Who Am I?

Hello, my name is Taylor Blake and I am in my second year of Education at the University of Regina! I am majoring in Social Studies and minoring in Inclusive Education!

I am super grateful for the life that I live. I was raised by two wonderful parents, have a younger brother who is one of my best friends, and a dog who I love very much. I am so thankful for my wonderful friends and boyfriend who are so supportive and continuously lift me up and encourage me.

Growing up, I danced competitively for 12 years. I made so many wonderful friendships through dance and learned so many valuable life lessons. I also had a passion for baking and always loved sharing this passion with others. Throughout high school, I participated in our school musical program all four years of school. As I got older I took on a more prominent role in our musicals, taking on doing choreography for the shows.

As I got older, I found a love for traveling. I am very fortunate to have been able to go on many family holidays growing up. Disney World, California, Las Vegas, South Dakota, Minneapolis, just to name a few of my favourites. I have such a deep love for Disney World and Harry Potter, which is my favourite part of going to Florida. Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, I had plans to backpack through Europe after I graduated high school. Travelling has given me the opportunity to see so many beautiful places and expand my horizons tremendously. Country music is something that I have always loved, my dad introduced me to it at a very young age. Concerts are such a happy thing for me because no matter what is going on in your life, for a few hours everything makes sense and you feel alive and happy.

I always knew that I wanted to be a teacher and help others. Growing up with my mom being a teacher, I knew that I wanted to follow in her footsteps. My mom loves being a teacher, helping students learn, and being a positive role model in their lives. I have always admired this and wish to do the same.

I am very thankful for all of the educational experiences that I have had so far in my life. I am so excited to pursue a career in education. “Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching”.

Grade 12 Graduation
My mom, brother, dad and I

Winston Knoll Musical – “Grease”
Walt Disney World 2019
First day of senior year
My best friend
San Diego – 2020
Luke Combs concert – 2019
My dog, Charlie