Relevance of information: Sense of Place and culturally Relevant Pedagogy

In todays blog I will explain the future goals for what I would like my classroom to look like. More specifically, when asked what it will look like, sound like and feel like in terms of culturally relevant pedagogy, and how I can build a sense of place for my future students and their sense of belonging.

My classroom will be built off of a mutual respect, for our classroom and the bodies that occupy my classroom. My classroom will be a safe place to discuss our own beliefs, ethnicities, and things that we have faced as individuals. I will have an array of resources available to my students, such as books, articles, and anything else they may need to grasp the content to the fullest. Pieces of a texts and history should relate to our current issues that my students may come across, there is a study that was done by Lopez (2011) that suggests that their must be a analysis of the students lives when looking through resources. Keeping this in mind it draws me to believe that my classroom will be based largely around the idea that there will be debates as well as discussion for each individual. While there will be an abundant amount of discussion this will also lead to plenty of questions for not only me but my students as well, this will allow students to engage with their critical thoughts. The classroom will be full of conversation, I will allow my students to pair up or converse in small groups, this way they can build onto each others ideas. I hope to make my classroom a safe place for everyone’s thoughts and opinions to be heard and accepted.

With Concerning Brook’s Work the article points out the use of multiple genres when learning music that reflects the different cultures and students’ true interests(Brook, 2013). If you take the same philosophy, it introduces many additional historical facts that I could incorporate into my lesson plans. It is important to understand and follow the outcomes and indicators of the curriculum, but it is also important to add additional information to build onto these ideas. I want to make my classroom a safe place to want to learn about all histories and cultures that they are free to ask questions and have faith in me that I will be educated or have the resources to provide them with the information they are looking for. While reading Brook’s article he explains that we need to conscious of the mirror relationship we have with our environment as well as our relationship with others (Brook, 2013).

One thought on “Relevance of information: Sense of Place and culturally Relevant Pedagogy

  1. Hi Taylor, it’s great to hear that you have a clear vision of what you want your future classroom to look like and how you want your students to feel in it. Your emphasis on creating a safe and respectful environment where students feel comfortable discussing their beliefs, ethnicities, and personal experiences is an important aspect of culturally relevant pedagogy. It’s also commendable that you plan on providing a variety of resources to your students, including books and articles, to help them understand the content fully.

    Your approach of incorporating debates and discussions into your lessons will help to foster critical thinking and encourage students to build upon each other’s ideas. Additionally, your willingness to incorporate additional historical facts and information beyond the curriculum will make your classroom a rich and engaging environment for your students.

    Overall, it’s evident that you are committed to creating a sense of belonging and inclusivity in your classroom, which is essential for the academic and personal growth of your students. Keep up the great work!

    Just something to think about: How do you plan on addressing potential challenges or conflicts that may arise during classroom discussions, and what strategies do you have in place to ensure that all students feel heard and respected?

    Thank you!

    – Jaxxe G.

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