Reconciliation and Purpose

When looking into reconciliation, I feel as if that if you don’t go in with the mindset that you will learn, and take something new away from the lesson you need to take a step back and ask yourself why you are having these feelings of rejection towards learning about our past, because no matter your culture or your ancestry if you are a Canadian citizen it is vital for you to understand the way thing where before we colonized things.

We are the problem; we are where it started and in order to understand it, we must be willing to learn it. Learn it from our history, from the ancestors who lived through it. We carry a certain amount of personal biases, stereotypes, racism, and ideas surrounding Indigenous cultures way of life, their language and culture and that there is a condition of the settler colonialism agenda. This started with the government and the white settlers who believed that they were here first and decided to impeach treaties on the Indigenous cultures, this is a large reason for why treaty education is so important for our students to know and understand but also ourselves as educators, it is important for us to be educated on the impacts that Indigenous Cultures suffered through.

Our students are our future, and for that we must realize that there is still very prominent issues on the reserves, take for example the fact that almost all reserves do not have access to safe drinking water(Cappello, 2017a). Its our job as future educators to teach students to change the conditions that our indigenous communities are faced with. It is also our job as future educators to educate our students on the different ways to view the land, like how our Crown tricked the First Nations Communities into treaties to use the land for the Crown’s benefit(Chambers, 2012, p. 27). Regardless of if you have students from First nations, or Indigenous cultures in your classroom, it is still vital that we integrate a heavier set lesson surrounding Treaty Education. These understanding will affect the majority if not all of the people living in Canada. It is also important to build an emotional connection between what our students are learning and our students themselves. In order to do this, we need to show the larger picture and continue to go back and not just touch on the subject but make it just as prominent as something like math or English.

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