School Curricula

The lack of input from teachers and students within the curricula is alarming. Education and the curricula is based on politics, bringing in politics into our curriculum even in elementary education makes little to no sense in my mind. As a future educator I feel as if we should try and weed out  the politics within our curriculum and bring in input from future educators, educators that have retired and people who are knowledgeable surrounding the areas. I also think that things like religion should not be a fundamental when it comes to building our curriculum. We need to think further ahead when thinking about things when we are building our curriculum, taking into consideration things like sexual education, how to safely interact with other peers. Things such as sciences, math’s, arts should be in our curriculum but less based on the ideas of politics and more based on the fundamentals. Take for example because our curriculum is based off of politics in our math classes instead of teaching things like the square root of a number, we should be teaching things like how to balance money, and how the deductions work on a pay stub.

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