Learning Project,  Week 6

I Know How To Shred

I may have misled you with the title of this blog post. I entirely DO NOT know how to shred… yet haha. I am truly not sorry because my heading got you here and I am certainly glad to have you here! I am holding onto hope that the goal of playing a Maroon 5 song is a possibility. In fact, I have a renewed sense of hope because I have found the app and website, Ultimate Guitar. If you watch my walkthrough, you will see exactly how the app works and how I intend to use it.

Please note that I had a goal, I wasn’t feeling confident about reaching my goal, and I took the steps necessary to renew this by adjusting my goal. I have not changed the goal, I have adjusted the way I will achieve it: by changing the app platform used to learn. This does NOT mean that I have failed, it means I was aware enough about my progress to adjust my process. I think this is an important takeaway to share with students when they are doing anything related to goal-setting.

As far as progress goes, I feel like I have made none but I do know that the more I practice, the better I will be. Every minute spent will be worth it for me and my guitar skills. I have no songs or music to share with you but I will in no time!

I also want to say that this is not easy. As Alexandra has explained in her blog, learning an instrument is no joke. She has struggled with using her bow while learning to play the fiddle. She is also in the same boat as far as feeling frustrated by the process and that it should be easier than it is for her to pick it up. I TOTALLY feel this and can attest to the frustration.

Callen is also learning to play the guitar and he had to adjust the process of reaching his goal by also changing the platform he was editing his progress on. Continue reading his about his progress here.

Other resources for learning guitar

As I was searching out some new resources for learning the guitar, I did find a few nuggets that I’d like to share with you. They are below:

  • YouTube: Guitar Mastery Method use vlogs to show people how to learn specific skills. It is great for beginners like myself.
  • YouTube: GuitarLessons has a similar vibe to Guitar Mastery Method and provides lessons on learning the guitar
  • Website: Songsterr is actually really amazing and I may enlist the help of this site if the one I used this week goes south!

Hi there, I am a full-time high school mathematics teacher in Saskatchewan. I am also a single mom to my daughter, Ardann. I am currently taking my Masters of Adult Education and Human Resources through the University of Regina. My long-term goal is to teach at the University of Regina, in a Mathematics course. I keep busy playing volleyball in a competitive women's league twice a week, coaching the senior girls' volleyball team in my school, and doing activities with my daughter. I have a love for art as well, which is practiced by drawing intricate chalk art outside for my daughter or her favourite characters on my iPad.


  • Emily Patchin

    Hey Allysia! Your title definitely drew me in haha. I love that you have adjusted your goal to make it more attainable to you. I agree that this is so important to also teach our students. If you have something in mind that you want to do but your original plan doesn’t work out, then re-adjusting your “game plan” is in no way a sign of failure. In my opinion, it’s actually a sign that you are going to be that much closer to success. I can’t wait to see how this works out for you, and I would love to hear you play the guitar!

  • Kassia Nameth

    Hello Allysia!

    Your title definitely drew me in too! I have adjusted my goal a couple of times throughout this project and as we continue to get closer to the end of the semester I keep panicking because I feel like I haven’t learned enough yet. I am glad I am not the only one. Of course, I am not learning an instrument but I feel like we might be feeling similar ways. Here’s to continuing to practice – you got this!!

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