After finally getting the hang of reading written crochet patterns, I decided to tackle something new; crochet diagrams! I’d seen them before, but I was always intimidated by the cluster of symbols that made no sense. So, I did some digging and found a really helpful guide on how to read a crochet diagram. This article breaks down how to read crochet charts step by step. Unlike written patterns, which spell everything out with abbreviations, diagrams use symbols to represent stitches. At first, it was a little overwhelming, but once I started to recognize the different symbols, it actually made a lot of sense! To help things click, I followed…
Learning to Read Crochet Patterns
A few weeks back, I attempted to learn to crochet my bucket hat by reading this pattern I found online. I found it to be a little frustrating and confusing. However, I thought I would try it again since it will be useful for future projects. I realized that the abbreviations would be handy as I tried my second attempt at a cotton bucket hat. Since I was exploring with adjusting the size of my hat, I needed to write down what I was doing as I went along. My reasons being: I wanted to keep track of my rows and stitches. I might want to make this hat again…
Yarn Tension and Crocheting
So, last learning project post I was attempting to use cotton yarn for the first time, and exploring adjusting the size of the hat. As I continued with my bucket hat, I quickly realized that my stitches were too tight, leading to a misshapen piece that was waaay too small for me or my partner’s head… oops! (see failed attempt on the right) Determined to improve, I delved into the world of yarn tension, a fundamental aspect of crocheting that I’m still learning to perfect. Yarn tension refers to how tightly or loosely you hold your yarn while working, directly impacting the size and appearance of your stitches. Achieving consistent…
Connecting Digital Literacy to the Curriculum
In today’s digital world, information is more accessible than ever, but not everything we read online is true. Where do you get your news from these days? I’d probably guess you read about the news from online sources. What about when you’re doing research for a school project? Again, most people are likely scouring the internet for relevant information. With the rise of social media in our society, it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction. To help students distinguish between facts and misinformation, we need to improve how we teach digital literacy. More so, we need to help our students understand why fake news exists, and how it…
Digital Identity: Should Our Digital Footprints Define Us?
This week in class we discussed topics such as digital identity, cyber-vigilantism, cyber-shaming, and digital footprints. We have seen examples of this type of public shaming throughout history. For instance, in this TED Talk, Monica Lewinsky discusses how the rise of the digital age made her one of the first high-profile victims of cyberbullying. In the video, Lewinsky goes on to explain how years of online shaming, humiliation, and harassment ruined her reputation and nearly took her life. Going Viral & Sharing Without Consent Today, our students face the reality of cyberbullying in digital landscapes. This can include harassment on social media or sharing images of classmates without consent. We…
Crochet Bucket Hat: What I Learned from Blogs
As I mentioned in my last learning project post, I have picked out the yarn for my final project; a lime-green cotton yarn. As I started up my next hat with my new yarn, I wondered how I could make size adjustments to the hat, because I’d like to make one for my partner. Aaaand I might have seen a crocheted cat hat on Instagram and now my cat needs one too! So, I found this blog to follow along with. I quickly realized what I needed to do to get the perfect shape and fit. One of the biggest things I learned was how to work in only the…
Teaching Digital Citizenship
I find the topic of digital citizenship very interesting as an educator. It has me reflecting on how technology was treated when I was in elementary and high school. I feel that the online world was not a topic that was focused on heavily. When it was, we were taught to fear it! More so, there was still a disconnect between the ‘real’ world and the online world. After reading this article by Jason Ohler, I realized that this separation can be described as the “two lives” perspective. However, this perspective has its issues. Through this perspective, it’s believed that digital technology doesn’t have a place in the classroom or…
Exploring Yarn Types
When I first started crocheting, I had no idea how much the type of yarn you work with mattered. Now that I’m feeling inspired by this hobby, I have been checking out the yarn at Walmart and Micheal’s when I go out. Naturally, I gravitate to the pretty colored yarns, completely ignoring what they are made of. I decided to look into it more and I came across this article from The Spruce Crafts, and it turns out there’s a big difference in yarn types! I learned that cotton yarn is a sturdy yet breathable fiber, so it’s perfect for projects like tote bags, dishcloths, and summer clothing. While acrylic…
Trying A New Crocheting App
Since starting a bucket hat, I’ve learned that it’s important to keep track of how many stitches and rows you complete as you go along. So, for this week’s learning post, I decided to try a free app I found called Easy Knitty. This app is used for counting rows and/or stitches when crocheting or knitting. Other features of the app include the ability to create multiple projects, and a stopwatch feature to see how much time you’ve spent on a project. Until now, I have been tallying my rows on scrap paper, or even my hand so I don’t forget. Is the app a better option? Here’s my thoughts…
Education in a Digital World
How Technology Shapes Us After our lecture and watching the video by Wesch, I’m beginning to understand how technology influences the way we interact with each other. Technology has changed so much in our world! We have access to endless information with one device. More so, students aren’t just consuming information anymore; they’re actively connecting, creating, and sharing their thoughts in a digital space. Whether it’s through social media, memes, or video games, the way we socialize with each other has changed. This is referred to as the new culture of participation by Welsch. Similarly to what we discussed in our lecture, people are no longer consuming media via radio…