Enhancing on Language

For my learning project, I’ve decided to enhance my Arabic. I will be starting off by using Duolingo. For those who don’t what Duolingo is, it’s an online site that helps you learn any language you want. I’ve decided to use Duolingo throughout my entire learning process and look up and use different resources such as YouTube, books, or any other website that can help me with my Arabic. As the semester progresses, I will be posting short clips or screenshots of my work about my learning journey. My goal is to be able to write 1-2 paragraphs about myself in Arabic and I will translate it at the end of the semester.

One Reply to “Enhancing on Language”

  1. Zachary Hirshmiller says: Reply

    This is awesome. I’ve used Duolingo before and very much enjoyed it. I tend to fall out of the habit of using it but hopefully this project is gonna be enough of a kick in the butt to help me stay true to my own learning project.

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