Me and Tech

I think it’s safe to say that technology is highly evolving around us. Technology is used in our every day to day lives. About a high percentage of us can say we use our screens for entertainment, personal usage, educational purposes, and more. Most of my social interconnection is based on social apps such as Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Messenger, Youtube, Twitter (which is now commonly known as “X”), etc. I stay in touch with my family members and friends mostly using Instagram. I am hardly ever active on any other platforms but Instagram. I recently checked my screen time and my time on Instagram is 7 hours and 36 minutes a week and the other platforms are less than an hour. For me, when I always pick up my phone I know that it will take up my time unless it’s for entertainment and relaxation. My computer is used for my academic pursuits/productivity. So, every time I open up my laptop I know that I will start getting productive even if it’s just reading articles or reading about the news. I am never able to switch roles with my tech. For example, I can’t open my social on my laptop and scroll through it on my laptop. It doesn’t feel right and just feels weird. Just like I can’t open my phone and log in to UR Courses and do my assignments on my phone. I think it’s really about balance and the right usage of tech.

One Reply to “Me and Tech”

  1. Hi Yahya!!
    You acknowledge the significant role technology plays in our lives, particularly in terms of social connectivity. I really like the way you highlight the way you use social apps like Instagram to stay in touch with family and friends. This reflects the positive aspect of technology, which facilitates and enhances interpersonal relationships, even in today’s fast-paced digital world.
    You emphasize the importance of balance and mindful usage of technology. Demonstrating that you use different devices for distinct purposes – (phone for social interaction and relaxation)
    (computer for academic pursuits and productivity). This approach promotes a healthy balance between leisure and productivity, showcasing the positive potential of technology when used intentionally and effectively.

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