The Internet: Before and After

Hello everyone! I guess it’s safe to say that the internet is taking over the world, especially for kids and teens. I was born in the early 2000s and technology/media weren’t really a thing. I remember always going out with my friends whether it was playing at a park, eating out, going bowling, or even playing arcade games. Now, the world just seems to be really attached to tech and media. In the article, “Teens, Social Media and Technology 2022” the author mentions how almost all teens from 2022 have access to a smartphone. Nearly 22% from 2014-15. Below is a bar graph from the article:

  Nearly all teens in 2022 have access to a smartphone, up from 73% in 2014-15

Obviously, too much screen time is harmful to an individual especially when they’re using social media or scrolling through unnecessary posts. At the same time, tech can be useful in many different ways, such as being productive, following up with the world and its evolution, etc. While watching the video, “An Anthropological Introduction to YouTube” one thing I realized straight away is how everything was different in 2008 than it is now. The video also shows us the group ages who are mostly active through media and tech. These age groups include 12-17 and 18-24 year-olds . A lot of things have emerged especially the internet. Teens and kids don’t realize they have so much potential, but instead, they sit and waste their time on the internet for hours and hours and do nothing.

One Reply to “The Internet: Before and After”

  1. I agree that the younger generation today is abusing social media apps and that is a cause for concern. I have faced this as a parent and it’s basically a competition between actual social interaction and their social interaction using a social media platform. It is a tough battle. When COVID hit, I think the usage grew and thus the demand grew. We as eductors can use our digital citizenship knowledge to help students understand the balance to have a healthy and happy life. Thanks for the read!

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