Final Blog Post

EDTC 300 has come to an end. I want to say that I have enjoyed this course and learning about various contexts of educational technology. When I first signed up for this course I had no idea what educational technology meant nor understood what it had to do with me becoming a teacher in the future. I struggled with edusites as I am not good with technology. For example, I know we are supposed to post proof that we have contributed to the learning of others. I spent a lot of time trying to find an option to view all of my replies I commented on my classmates’ posts and couldn’t find anything related to this concept. I even tried searching on Google for any way around it but NOTHING came up. I was annoyed at this, so I had no choice but to go through some of the blog hub posts (not all) until I found only 2 comments I wrote. So I just took screenshots of the comments in case I lost the links to my comments. I found this to be a huge downgrade of wordpress/edusites.



My apologies for the image quality 🙁


I have never really been a fan of Discord nor have I ever used it before registering for this course. I found it to be really useful. Why? well, communication was much easier rather than having to send emails on URCourses. In my opinion, it’s always easier to communicate through a messaging platform. I also liked how it was an open chat. Having everyone send their questions and receiving answers within minutes with everyone to view. So it’s not a private chat where one student sends a private message to the other but rather having the chat open for the whole class for anyone who had any questions, comments, or concerns about anything related to the course material.




I have enjoyed this course and learning through my classmates’ thoughts and opinions. This helped me have a deeper and better understanding of educational technology and how it’s essential in school systems in our modern-day society.






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