Learning Project Week #2

This week, I started using Duolingo. It was my very first time using the site and surprisingly it turned out pretty useful. The content is laid out very well and is organized. I focused on translating Arabic sentences into English/English sentences to Arabic and pronunciation of words and sentences. I was able to understand most sentences and pronounce the words correctly, but there were some mistakes. There were some words I did not know of which messed up the translation of the sentence.

Here are the results:









I know the image quality is bad, but it was the best I could do. Anyways, Duolingo was really easy to use. All you have to do is select the language you want to learn and it does the rest. Overall I enjoyed using Duolingo. It was really fun to use and I am actually learning from it which which is great!! I am going to find other resources to enhance my Arabic and continue using Duolingo. I will keep you guys updated.




One Reply to “Learning Project Week #2”

  1. I am also using DuoLingo to learn French for my learning project! I have really enjoyed the app. I am curious why you are choosing to learn Arabic, do you already know some Arabic? Somebody suggested using flash cards, which is something I am planning to incorporate in my studies. I feel like that is a recommendation I would suggest to you as well, especially if there are words you are struggling with, or are trying to build a bigger vocabulary! Thanks for sharing, and good luck in continuing your learning project!

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