Books are Great to Learn Languages

Hello everyone! I’m back to posting about my journey to learning/enhancing my Arabic language. I found a couple of books online that are free for anyone to download. One book starts off with the Arabic alphabets, then it tells you how to write and describe pictures with words. This part was pretty easy for me as I am already familiar with the alphabets and being able to read the words that best describe the pictures. At the end of the book, there are multiple phrases/sentences that I read. To me, I found this last part of the book a little difficult because the language is a different dialect and I speak a different Arabic dialect. I was able to understand most of the phrases and words that were listed in the book. I was really surprised that I was able to understand and read this dialect as I am not used to it. I also found a similar book that also talks about the basics of Arabic. I found this book to be better than the other as the outline is more organized and goes more in-depth about how to write in Arabic. Overall, I think both books were great for me as I am still trying to enhance my Arabic. I would recommend these books for beginners/intermediates who want to learn the basic concepts of Arabic. It is a great tool to get started as it will help you understand the dialect/language more. I will provide the links of both books for anyone who is interested or for anyone who wants to quickly skim through it.

Links to the pdf files below:

One Reply to “Books are Great to Learn Languages”

  1. Hi Yahya! Thanks for the recommendation. I am currently trying to learn to speak French and I hadn’t even thought about trying to find books online. What other methods have you used and which do you find most beneficial to your learning so far?

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