Learning Arabic Vowels – Learning Project #7

Hello everyone! This week I decided to go more in-depth and learn about the Arabic vowels. However, this time I did not use Duolingo or books to assist me with this concept. I actually found a video that explains the vowels and letter combinations in a very good way. There are 3 main letters and these letters are: ا  و  ي. The video describes how you can combine these letters at the beginning, middle, or end of a word for it to make sense. For example, the = ال and book = كتاب. So when you combine these 2 words together it means The book = الكتاب. Now, you’re probably wondering why I didn’t use the letters و and ي since their vowels. Well it’s because these letters don’t fit in the word book = كتاب, but they can still be used in different words. I found the video to be really useful because I did not learn about this concept in previous years. What I really cherished about this video is that the speaker would write down the words in Arabic and translate them into English while explaining how the vowels connect with each other and how/when to use them while writing. I also looked through the channel which has over 580k subscribers and found that there are many videos that explain the Arabic language in-depth which will be great for me to enhance my Arabic As for beginners or people who are already learning Arabic, I would recommend watching this video and look through the channel as it explains a lot and helps people understand many different concepts. I will provide a link to the youtube video below as for the channel.


Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Arabic101

Arabic vowel video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vab9gvfhn-I&ab_channel=Arabic101

3 Replies to “Learning Arabic Vowels – Learning Project #7”

  1. Charlie Sebastian says: Reply

    I’m surprised by how interesting learning Arabic can be. Its probably the most intimidating language to look at, just based on the characters used in the language. These videos were great at showing how the vowels work. Keep up the good work!

  2. María Lehmann says: Reply

    Wow Yahya, to be honest, they seem to be hard, especially for the change of the alphabet. I think it’s a really big challenge you took but you seem to be getting better, I don’t really understand the letters, I think it would be hard to write them but it’s such an interesting protect you have!

  3. Alyssa Hildebrandt says: Reply

    Hi Yahya,
    I don’t think I have seen your blog since the first couple of weeks into this semester. It looks like you are doing well and learning lots! I’m curious if you are finding it challenging or easy so far? Also do you think you’ll continue to learn after the semester is over?

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