Overview of My Learning Project – Arabic

Hello everyone. As promised in my first post at the beginning of the semester, in this post you’ll get my paragraph about myself in Arabic with a translation below it:

مرحباً اسمي يحيى وُلدت في أوتاوا، كندا.أنا طالب في جامعة ريجينا.أناأدرس حاليًاالتعليم وأنافي
جامعة ريجينا. أنا أدرس حاليًا التعليم وأنا في السنة الرابعة. بعض هواياتي تشمل كرة القدم
السنةالرابعة.بعض هواياتي تشمل كرةالقدم والملاكمةوصالةالألعاب الرياضيةوألعاب الفيديو.
أناأستمتع بقضاء الوقت مع عائلتي/أصدقائي والسفر حول العالم. آمل أن أصبح مدرسًا للصف الأول أو الثاني
بشكل أساسي لأنني أجيد التعامل مع الأطفال. لقد استمتعت حقًا بالتعرف على تكنولوجيا التعليم وموضوعاتها المختلفة وكيف يمكن للذكاء الاصطناعي والتكنولوجيا السيطرة على العالم. كما أعجبت بآراء زملائي وأفكارهم حول هذا السياق مما ساعدني على فهم هذه الدورة بشكل أكبر.
المختلفة وكيف يمكن للذكاء الاصطناعي والتكنولوجيا السيطرة على العالم. كما أعجبت بآراء زملائي وأفكارهم حول هذا السياق مما ساعدني على فهم هذه الدورة بشكل أكبر

Translation: Hello, my name is Yahya and I was born in Ottawa, Canada. I am a student at the University of Regina. I am currently studying education and I am in my 4th year. Some of my hobbies include soccer, boxing, gym, and video games. I enjoy spending time with my family/friends and traveling around the world. I am hoping to become a teacher mainly for grades 1 or 2 as I am good with kids. I enjoyed learning about educational technology and its various topics and how AI and technology can take over the world. I also admired my classmates’ opinions and thoughts about this context which helped me understand this course more.

At the beginning of the semester, I felt it was hard to enhance my Arabic. Whether it was watching YouTube videos, learning from books, or even using Duolingo. As weeks passed, I started to get the hang of it and understood the concept step by step. Now, before starting on my learning project, I already knew my Arabic and when I decided I wanted to enhance it I knew it wasn’t going to be easy. I hit some obstacles during my journey but I was able to overcome some of the obstacles and find my way around. When I was younger, I attended a school that specialized in Arabic. My level of writing and reading was very low. As the years progressed, I enhanced on reading and writing and of course, until now I don’t know everything in Arabic. Everyday I try to speak Arabic to my family so that I become betteer and learn it more. This learning project was quite a challenge as I did expect a lot of trial and errors thorught the resources I have used. Using these reesources it taught me a lot on how to overcome these obstacles and continue to perfom well with my Arabic

Week 1

– Intorduction

– Learning/Enhancing my Arabic

Week 2

– Duolingo

Week 3

– Learning from Books

Week 4 

– Yotube video

– Vowels

I must admit that I highly struggled with not being able to post weekly whether it was for my learning project or even the assigned blog posts. I wasn’t able to keep up and I think this happened due to lack of motivation, determination and consistency.

Below are a few of my results from Duolingo:










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