Autobiographical Paper

I went to Campbell Collegiate (a public high school), and I actually joined the soccer team and we won the city finals and provincials. Now, for me high was very different from elementary school.  In our freshman year, we were given a variety of different courses and skill courses such as woodworking, mechanics, cooking, 3D printing, and many other distinctive things. In my opinion, grade 9 was a year for getting us to adapt to the school and how the system works. Grade 9 and 10 were really easy for me and it was a blast. Heading into grade 11 that’s when things started to pile up on each other and I knew that I had to work/study hard. In my grade 11 year, I didn’t really pay attention to how the educators would teach us. As days were passing by, I had no clue what I wanted to study when I applied for University. I had asked some of my friends and some would say business, accounting, science, arts, engineering, education, and many other different kinds of programs and faculties. It had taken me a long time to figure out what I wanted to do, but I made sure to take all the common courses in high school to be able to apply for any program I wanted. I had taken math, English, science, history, social studies, physics, chemistry, life transitions, and of course the skill courses (woodworking, mechanics, cooking, 3D printing) to be able to learn something new throughout my 4 years in high school. In my senior year, my last year in high school, I was ready to move on and graduate and go to University.

Everything was planned until March 2020. Covid-19 had struck and the school had canceled everything. Graduation, finals everything was canceled and we did not come back to school after that. Now, what scared me was that I thought that I had to redo grade 12 because I thought that the credits wouldn’t count since I did not completely finish it. Luckily, the school board had sent out an email saying that “Because covid struck and it was dangerous for people, we as Campbell Collegiate have decided that you can choose to freeze your marks or have the chance to improve them. Either way, your credits will count and you will be able to finish off the year with the requirement credits”. I was really nervous when I saw the email, but when I read it I got really happy about the marks system. I decided to freeze my marks because they were already good, but I was really excited about the credits which meant that I did not have to redo grade 12 all over again. Once I applied and started my first semester as an undergraduate student, I had applied for business, engineering, arts, and education. I did not like being in the first three programs as I tried and none of them suited me well, so I decided to stick with education, specifically pre-elementary. Lots of people have told me that I treat kids really well and nice and to be honest I also feel the same. To me, this is a huge and essential reason why I want to continue with education because I am passionate and confident about it. As a student, I realized how important a teacher is without just being a teacher who teaches students. Being a teacher comes with values, these values are to be responsible, be on time, fair, truthfulness, dignity, reliable, communication, and being consistently organized. Being a teacher does not mean just giving your students exams and assignments and expecting them to do them. A big portion of being a teacher is being able to teach students and use your knowledge on what you have about a specific topic. Day after day you start getting to know your students more which allows them and you to build good relationships with each other. In my 4 years an undergraduate I hope to learn more about myself and how I can use my values and knowledge to take things further throughout my life.