Overview of My Learning Project – Arabic

Hello everyone. As promised in my first post at the beginning of the semester, in this post you’ll get my paragraph about myself in Arabic with a translation below it: مرحباً اسمي يحيى وُلدت في أوتاوا، كندا.أنا طالب في جامعة ريجينا.أناأدرس حاليًاالتعليم وأنافي جامعة ريجينا. أنا أدرس حاليًا التعليم وأنا في السنة الرابعة. بعض هواياتي […]

Me and Tech

I think it’s safe to say that technology is highly evolving around us. Technology is used in our every day to day lives. About a high percentage of us can say we use our screens for entertainment, personal usage, educational purposes, and more. Most of my social interconnection is based on social apps such as […]