What does it mean to be a professional?

In my opinion being a professional means that you are responsible to go to work every day, being organized, showing up on time, and being able to know your students because you will be stuck with them for 10 months. This is not the only thing you should think about, you need to consider that there are parents out there who are trusting you with their kids. Kids look up to their parents as role models. It is the teacher’s responsibility to make sure they are safe at all times and for you to be a good person. In my opinion, once you start building friendships with your students they start to respect you more and know the criteria of why they are here to learn.

The main idea of Direction 2025 is for is to help layout specific steps or guidelines to provide better education for students. This means that teachers must follow the curriculum and provide the students with the right information at the right time. Another important aspect for me is giving second chances to students. I say this because all teachers should try with all their power to try and help students pass the class and for them to be successful. It is the student’s responsibility to do their part by finishing their homework and staying on task during class. Teachers should also try and keep their own classes under control at all times because if they don’t everything can go wrong and it will not look good on you. It is essential for educators to learn strategies to help make the education community a better place for society.