Using a Netflix Show to Learn French?

This week, in my free time, I’ve been watching a lot of Netflix. I stumbled upon a show “Emily in Paris,” and I thought it would be fun to watch. Little did I know, they would be speaking a lot of French in the show, so I thought it would be perfect to use for my learning project.

There would be translations of the French that was spoken on the screen. Some words came up more than other words. I watched the show with my family and even they picked up on some French words, which I thought was cool! I also looked at this site to review some of the phrases I have learned from the show.

Eiffel Tower at sunset in Paris, France. Romantic travel background

Here’s a few of the phrases I picked up:

You’re welcome=vous etes les bienvenus

Je Tiens A Toi= I care about you

Je suis fier de toi=I’m proud of you

La plouc=hillbilly (lol) Emily was called this a lot in the show.

Overall, using Emily in Paris to learn French was a fun and humbling experience. The show was interesting to watch to see what life in France is like and to indulge in the romance of it. It was humbling because of knowing how much work it takes to fluently learn French. I don’t think I’ll be fluent in French by the end of this πŸ™ but I’ll definitely know some more phrases that I haven’t before!!

7 Replies to “Using a Netflix Show to Learn French?”

  1. Hi Amie! That actually sounds like a lot of fun trying to use a show to learn French. I personally was in French immersion growing up, so watching a show would have been a dream. Using a show is also really nice so that you can see the phrases being used. Good job!

  2. Hi Amie!

    Since I am currently in FRN 100, I always try to look into your re-learning of the language. I have heard about Emily in Paris, and it would be an excellent way for a person to get used to French. Picking up the ins and outs of culture through video/streaming piqued my interest. Keep up the fantastic work!

  3. Hey Amie, I actually started watching Emily in Paris this last week too!! The “La Plouc”phrase killed me LOL. I definitely thought it was cool that this show has subtitles showing what they are saying in french! It is definitely helpful for understanding. πŸ™‚

  4. Hey Amie! This is such a fun way to learn a language, and you get to enjoy binging some Netflix. Win, win! I took french throughout high school and our teacher had us watch a movie in french with english subtitles and pick out words or phrases. Which sounds very similar to what you did!
    Hope you can continue enjoying the rest of your learning journey.

  5. Hey Amie! I have heard about this show on Netflix. I think this is such a fun and interesting way to learn French! This is probably a lot more beneficial than trying to learn from a boring YouTube video! I also agree that trying to learn a new language is very humbling! I took a French class in university in my first year and was very frustrated.

  6. Learning a new language is hard! I remember trying to pick up the phrases and correct pronunciation and having to do it very quickly in my French 100 class, so it is totally okay if you do not learn it fast! (It’s probably more enjoyable to learn without that much stress anyways.) I have heard of some people learning new languages through the subtitles of shows and being somewhat proficient in the language even without any formal polishing. I think that was because those people would learn the flow and slang of the speaking version of the language, rather than the outdated formalities shoved at you when learning from textbooks. Good luck in your continued learning journey!

  7. Hello Amie! That sounds like a fun way to learn French! I have never watched “Emily in Paris”, but I’m sure it is great I love that your family got in on the action! It’s cool how you can all learn together!

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