Learning French with Games??

This week, I was struggling with what tool to use to learn French. I stumbled upon this website which is a website that you can use to play games to help learn French vocabulary! I think this is an awesome website that you can use as a teacher because the website has all grades you can choose from and find what you are teaching in French at the time to help teach your students.

The only downside is that you have to have a membership and pay for it to play the games. I think it would be beneficial though, especially because children find it motivational to use games to learn. I focused on the homepage, which is free. You can see numbers, phrases, food, how to tell the time, animals, etc. I think you could also use this as a resource in the classroom if you do not want to pay for the membership.

group of wildlife animals in the jungle together

As you can see by the photo, I focused on learning about the names of animals this week.  I already know the names of basic animals such as dog and cat, but I don’t know others! Specifically, I learned about sea creatures. I think young kids would love learning the names of sea creatures in French; I definitely did! It tied in well with my learning project this week. Here is a list of names of sea creatures that I learned:

I also wrote down the names of the animals on my iPad again to help practice writing them, and saying them!


3 Replies to “Learning French with Games??”

  1. Even as an adult I think games are so beneficial for me to learn something. This is a great idea and looks like a really good program. I appreciate you telling us about the membership and that it would be worth it, but I am also happy to know there are free activities on the homepage too!

  2. This is a fantastic and informative post! Games are fun and a great way to learn anything about languages. However, they only motivate the person to get the questions right. Sadly, the best things always cost a leg and arm to work effectively.

  3. Hey Amie, what a cool resource and I feel like this would be something that could be done with so many other languages. As someone who is bilingual I respect your journey trying to learn French ! It is not easy to learn another language but the awesome thing is anybody can do it by putting in the practice

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