Learning Project: Introduction to ASL

Learning Project: Introduction to ASL

Hello everyone! I’m really excited to share my first blog post about my learning project! I went back and forth between a few different options. At first, I thought about learning how to skate and shoot a puck, but then I realized it might be too late for me to become the next Connor McDavid (I’m a huge Oilers fan!). I also considered painting, but I quickly figured out that I wouldn’t be the next Vincent van Gogh either.

All jokes aside, I wanted to choose something meaningful and impactful. That’s when I decided to explore ASL, or sign language. As a future educator, I believe in the importance of lifelong learning because life never stops teaching us. I was inspired to focus on something that would not only help me grow but also benefit my future students.

During my long-term internship, I had the privilege of working in a diverse classroom, which really changed my perspective on teaching. Coming from a privileged, able-bodied background, I recognized how crucial it is to be adaptable and to listen to my students’ needs. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach in education, and I witnessed that firsthand during my field experience.

With all this in mind, I decided that learning ASL would be a great step forward. I have very little exposure to ASL; if you asked me to sign something, I wouldn’t even know where to begin! That’s why I’m holding myself accountable and looking forward to starting this journey. It’s unfortunate that my exposure to ASL has been limited, but this project is my chance to change that. I’m excited to start from scratch and see where this path takes me!

I will be using a variety of resources to learn throughout my digital learning project. Some of these include apps from the App Store, such as Lingvano: Sign Language-ASL and ASL Sign Language Pocket Sign. In addition, I will be utilizing YouTube channels, with one I am particularly excited about being @LearnHowtoSign.

Other ways I plan to supplement my learning include exploring Instagram accounts that share daily sign language posts, possibly joining Facebook groups, and utilizing platforms like TikTok. I also hope that as my journey progresses, I will be able to identify which resources are most helpful and which ones may be too complex or lack the content/skill set I am looking for. For my project, I plan to allocate at least three days a week to learning ASL, in 10–15-minute sessions this goal serves as a minimum to hold myself accountable in my learning. Setting a “minimum” goal helps me be successful because this way if I find I am not doing enough once I get started, I can add to my expectations of time/days I need to work on my new skill. I find that starting small and adjusting as I go helps me set realistic and sustainable standards.

By following the principles of SMART goals—objectives that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound— I know that I am more likely to enjoy this process and be successful learning this skill!! 

*Below, I have included some photos of the apps and YouTube channel I plan to use, along with a TED Talk that inspired me to learn ASL. I hope you take a moment to check them out!*

7 thoughts on “Learning Project: Introduction to ASL

  1. This is such a thoughtful and meaningful project! I love how you’re taking the time to expand your skill set in a way that will directly benefit your future students. It’s also great that you’re setting small, achievable goals while also leaving room to adjust as you progress. I’m sure this will be an incredibly rewarding journey for both you and your future students! Keep up the great work!

    P.S. I am also a huge Oilers fan!! Loved the McDavid reference 🙂

  2. Hi Alea!
    Learning ASL is such an amazing idea! As a future educator, this is going to be an extremely rewarding and beneficial experience for you. ASL is something that I always wish was offered at the university because I also been wanting to learn it for some time now. Additionally, there is a TON of online resources you will be able to use to learn. I can’t wait to see your learning journey, it’s truly inspiring!

  3. This is such a great learning project idea! I am looking forward to learning from you throughout your learning journey!

  4. Hey Alea! I’m also learning ASL! I have a lot of experience with Inclusion work from the past few years and decided to learn for the children who can only communicate this way. One of the app’s I downloaded to help me with my journey was ASL Bloom. I’m going to give yours a try too. Good luck!

  5. I love that your internship inspired you to learn something like this! The school I interned at started a ASL group that met at lunch for grades 3-8. It was so popular that they had to split the group in half to accommodate everyone in the library! Then before Christmas break, the entire group signed Christmas carols at a school assembly. It was so awesome to see. Maybe you’ll end up starting a similar group in your future school!!

  6. Hi Alea! I think it’s great that you’re taking the time to learn ASL, especially as an educator. I’m getting my Indigenous education degree at the First Nations University, and like you, I have experienced a lot of learning diversities in the classroom. One of the schools I was at hired a specialist to help a deaf student. While this is amazing, I think it’s also so important for the teachers at the school to learn ASL as well! I can’t wait to see what resources you come across, so that I can have some knowledge of this skill.

  7. Hi Alea!
    This is such an awesome project! It’s an impactful skill to learn, especially when you’re becoming a teacher! You’re setting yourself up for success with practical goals and a lot of different resources. I can’t wait to see where this takes you!

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