Hello everyone!
My name is Alyssa Hildebrandt and I am halfway through my bachelor of education degree. I used to be a competitive gymnast and now I teach competitive gymnastics instead. I also work at a daycare and I have a two-year-old son. I have a million animals, one dog and four cats. My life can be chaotic sometimes, however, I love the ride and being challenged.
Onto the more interesting part of this blog, I am a terrible technology user. When something goes wrong with my phone or my laptop, I immediately shut it off and hope someone can fix it for me. I have never had a blog and do not really know how to adequately create this blog. I am not going to lie, I have spent almost five hours this week trying to figure out this site. Back in ECS 101, I had created this, which I forgot about and when I tried to add new menus, I ended up deleting everything on my site and could not get it back. When it comes to technology and blogging I am confused beyond expectation but I am trying my best and looking forward to learning more about these two topics in this class. I find it incredibly fascinating that so many people blog nowadays. I did not realize how many people blog daily when I could barely set one up.
Happy Blogging everyone!

What an adventure trying to figure out this website right? This is my first class of any sort where I had to make a blog and I have no prior knowledge of what to do, so don’t feel alone trying to navigate this website because we are in the same boat. Nice to meet you Alyssa it’s been a pleasure reading your blog.
Hello Alyssa, technology can be very confusing at times but I’m sure like most other skills, with a little time and effort you’ll improve. I am sure you’ll do amazing, I look forward to your other posts.