Shoot For The Stars…

Well… I might have shot for the stars and fell back onto Earth. You are probably wondering what I mean and what this has to do with me learning how to crochet. Let me explain…

I think I overestimated my ability to make a pumpkin. I was so confident about finally finishing a project that I thought I could do anything now. I got a pattern online, watched numerous videos, and spent many hours on this over the past two weeks, and I have nothing. This picture below is probably the best representation I have of my pumpkin-making process.

. Tangled yarn for knitting.

So, I was pretty discouraged because I thought my newfound skill would continue to progress, and after this week, I hit a halt. I think I might have overestimated myself, so now I am going to take on a smaller project with less complicated steps. I am going to make a coaster. I have yet to decide about the shape, whether it is going to be a circle or a square. I have been watching multiple videos and reading multiple articles. I just started crocheting randomly this week to remind myself of the steps and gain back confidence while doing this. I had been looking for tips to gain back confidence, and I have found some. However, if you have any tips to gain back confidence, I would appreciate them.

2 Replies to “Shoot For The Stars…”

  1. Making something like a pumpkin out of crochet is actually really hard! It is a lot harder than you may think. I still am not good at things like that, and I’ve been crocheting for a year or two now. My mom has been crocheting for like 30 years and still struggles with more intricate things like pumpkins. Don’t get discouraged! It takes a lot of practice to work up to things like that. It is a good idea to work on small things like coasters, and I highly recommend a baby blanket to practise. Even things like a toque/hat/beanie would help work up to something like a pumpkin. I’ve found that circular things are a bit harder then square shaped things. So I suggest that if you feel confident, maybe try a circular coaster? You are doing great, keep it up!

  2. Alyssa!! Don’t spend so much time thinking about the things that you didn’t do! This is what I realized when I was trying to create something for every single blog post and it’s so unrealistic and will result in burnout. Start small and then go big, not the other way around! If you’re gonna go in the direction of coasters, I would keep it simple and just do granny square coasters, some wise person somewhere gave me similar advice

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