Completed Third Project :)

Well, well, well, here we are! I finished my son’s toque! Now let me just say that I didn’t think I could do it. At some points I was like maybe, this is too hard for me. But, here we are, I DID IT! Now by any means it isn’t perfect, because lets be honest my other projects were not perfect either. I know I have lots of work to do, to continue to grow my crocheting skills. But I am incredibly overjoyed with my progress throughout this semester.

Boy wearing a hat

Now I was so overjoyed but my son was not. He has a specific Carhartt toque that he loves and never wants to wear anything else. So I bribed him to put it on and take a picture in it with a sucker, that you can see in the picture. I had about five seconds to take the picture before he was upset, so that is the best photo I got. I think maybe I convince him to wear it if I send it with him to daycare. Beckham seems to listen at daycare a little bit more than home.

Now, I had this realization that after the first two learning posts I regretted my decision of learning how to crochet. I was at first like, well I can knit so it can not be much different. Well I was very humbled and I was like maybe I should switch skills. But I kept going and trying my best and I can confidently say that I can somewhat crochet.

I think I would have done better this semester if I did not give myself such a harsh timeline. I wanted to complete a project every week which was not a reachable goal for myself. I realized that if it took me a couple weeks, then I wouldn’t die or get a bad grade. It has always been about the process! Now I have not started my baby blanket, which I do not know if I will have finished by the end of this semester. However I have started to stitch my mom’s coasters together to make a bag. I did not overly like my coasters, so I will remake them for my mom before Christmas but thought maybe I could give her a bag to take with her to work for lunch or something.


3 Replies to “Completed Third Project :)”

  1. Your son is very adorable! Good job in making his hat! That is awesome. Crocheting (hope I spelt that correctly) is not an easy skill to master and it look like you are getting very good at it! What a nice thought in making your mom something too!

  2. Hey, Alyssa! Your toque looks absolutely amazing. As a fellow crocheter, I was looking very closely at your stitches and they incredibly well done. None of them look out of place or lacking tension! Take this as a sign to keep going and pursue that blanket project!!

  3. Hey! What an incredible achievement. It’s totally normal to feel a bit challenged during a project, especially when pushing your skills.
    Perfection is overrated, and the fact that you recognize your progress and growth speaks volumes. It looks awesome!

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