Learning Project Comes To An End

Well, it is that time to wrap up the end of the semester, which means wrapping up my learning project. Throughout this course, I tasked myself to learn how to crochet as I already know how to knit. I can’t say that it was all sunshine and rainbows throughout, as I hit some road blocks. I was able to finish three different projects, and I did not get to my final baby blanket project, as I think I oversold myself in how easy this would be.

Week 1- I was learning how to create stitches and make slip knots.  

It was quite the experience and I was able to make 10 little stitches, which I was quite amused with myself. I believe I watched that same video several times for the next couple weeks to come since I couldn’t remember how to start a new project.

Week 2- Granny Squares

I started to make my first little granny square as a starting point in this journey. This time I thought I would try and read an article to help me with the granny square which I came to learn that watching videos was what helped me best in learning.

Week 3- Continuing my Granny Square

This time I provided a video of myself crocheting. I was just continuing the granny square to get used to the motion of crocheting.

Week 4- Deciding what my Granny Square was going to be

Well my mom is still mad but at least I saved her counter from any more burns I might try and create. After burning her counter, I decided to make a pot holder to avoid getting into more trouble. I decided to be unique and add a different colour, then later stitch it together.

Week 5- Finishing my first project

Well this was an exciting week for myself! I finished my pot holder for my mom. I was able to stitch it together and provide a video of the action. I then got a little ambitious and wanted to try to create a pumpkin, which I later failed at.

Week 6- Shoot for The Stars

This was a very disappointing week for myself. I was so discouraged that I kept trying to create this pumpkin but it quickly became too complicated for myself. However, it was a good learning curve for myself.

Week 7- Coasters

After my disaster pumpkin try, I decided to go for something easy and gift my mom some coasters for Christmas. I was really good at this as it really was just a granny square again. Squares were definitely my thing!

Week 8- Completing My Second Project

I was so proud of my coasters at first! Like look at me go finishing yet another project. But the more I looked at them I hated them. They were not the same size and I was quite upset. However, I reminded myself I am still learning and not everything needs to be perfect.

Week 9- Just In Time for Cold Weather

This week I wanted to be different and in a previous week one of my classmates suggested I try a toque. So I thought let’s do one for my son. Which he does not wear and hates it. But hey it was the thought that counted.

Week 10- Finishing my third project 

I got to show off my son in his new toque which I had to bribe him with candy for him to take a picture. I was pretty proud and still am. It was the best project I was able to make and I had really no problems creating. This really helped boost my confidence.

Overall, I am proud of myself for trying something new. I really learnt that it is quite possible to learn a new skill at any age. I think this is something I need to continue to remind myself. That no matter how much you struggle you can really learn or do anything you put your mind too. I think this will help me as a future teacher, as I can relate to my students and encourage them to keep striving for what they want to achieve. As long as you work hard anything can happen.

I did not get as much completed as I wanted to. Like a baby blanket and stitching my coasters together to make a purse for my mom. But I do have goals for my future, especially to be able to make a pumpkin!


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