Finally A Finished Product!

So, it is finally here… A finished product of mine. It only took me like seven weeks, but hey, I did it. My potholder is not perfect, but it does the job of not burning the sides of my counter. I will have to make my mom one, so maybe she will become a little less mad at me.

Finished Pot Holder (green and multi-coloured pink)

There is definitely room for improvement, as some of the stitches did not turn out the nicest, and in the picture, you can see how, on the side where I joined the two pieces together, it is quite messy. However, I feel like if I were to make another (for my mom), it would be done nicer, and I might be able to finish this quicker. I think this took me about 14 HOURS! I know it’s pretty long for something so small. But I remind myself every day that I am learning. It took every once of me not to trash it as I am not overly proud of the look but I continued, and now I have my first finished product.


I now apologize in advance for how bad this video is. I thought this was the best way to record myself stitching this together. However, as you can see, I was wrong. I also do not know what happened with my video and why it is very small on the screen. If you know why it went like this, please let me know!

Now that I am gaining confidence, I am going to try and create a pumpkin. A little ambitious. However, I will see how it goes! I am going to try and have it done before Halloween or right afterwards!

One Reply to “Finally A Finished Product!”

  1. Congrats on finishing your first piece. Don’t be to hard on yourself you’ve done something that I sure as heck couldn’t do.

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