And With That, The EDTC 300 Season Comes to an End

Well here we are, wrapping up the end of the course. I feel so sad when I finish courses because I do really enjoy learning and obtaining more knowledge to help me in the future with not just becoming a teacher. But even just in general for life. This courses has really taught me a lot about social media and the problems revolving around it. However it has also showed me so many skills to add to my computer and help me with teaching when I finish my degree or go into my internship.

I sincerely apologize, as I have been very sick and just found out I have pneumonia. So my talking and loud breath sounds I was not able to control and it sounds like I am very sad. I do send my deepest apologies as this was not what I was expecting to sound like. However life happens and we get sick, so I did my best! But I really enjoyed making this poem, and getting to use what I learnt to make it.

Also here is were I found the overview of the course if anyone is interested who might be looking at my blog and thinking about taking it. Or for even anyone who wants to look at it just because. This slide is at the beginning of my video as well! Below is the poem that I wrote in case you don’t want to listen to the audio or want to read it instead!

From the beginning to the end 

Of a scary digital world 

From children being bullied 

To children being taken advantage of 

Sextoriton and adults exploiting children

Fake profiles showing what you want to see

To only belonging on social media 

Needing the dopamine rush of likes 

Without thinking about what is posted 

To false news reports hitting us in the head 

Why can’t social media be a safe place? 

Children keep safe out there

We want you here as your teachers 

Digital citizenship is a priority 

Curriculum’s have holes

Especially when it comes to digital literacy 

Sharing knowledge about the other world

Informing parents and getting ahead of the digital footprints

Lessing the cycle before it’s to late 

Social media has its problems and its perks

Extensions; one tab, stay focused, movie editors and AI tools

To Makerspaces that help support students and teachers

Learning how to engage with high tech tools

Is something to look forward too in the never ending media

Be curious about the realm of social media 

Coding is the future, coding can get creative minds working

Jobs around the world, social media and not

Coding is here, from Slack to other services

To engaging students with technological skills for different levels of learning

Here we are, in a world unknown

Is it scary?

Is it promising? 

We decide, of what the future holds

You and me teachers alike

Social media through and through 

One day it’ll be you

Teachers, jobs to inform you

To help continue and grow your digital literacy skills 

Spreading our wings to a brighter safer media world 

EDTC 300, here we are with all the knowledge 

As much as we have right now

It is everyones jobs to continue to grow and keep our schools community safe

To continue to support our students 

In an unknown world.

I look forward to watching everyone’s videos!

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