Hi everyone!
My name is Angela Fahlman and I am currently in my 2nd year of the K-5 elementary program. I have always wanted to work with children and had my heart set on becoming a teacher, but another four years of school and a student loan at the end intimidated me so looked at alternate options. I still went to school right after high school, but I started off in Addictions Counselling and then I transferred into the Educational Transliterator program (sign language interpreter in classrooms). I returned to classes in 2019 and after a full year of classes I decided that I couldn’t fully dedicate the time I needed to complete my degree as my children were all quite young still, and we live in small town Saskatchewan so I had to commute multiple days a week. I have continued to work in the education field as an educational assistant as my children grew up. My dream of becoming a teacher has never gone away and I often felt like it was too far out of reach. As the time went on I decided that it was time to follow my dream and get this degree under my belt, so I have readmitted into the program and I am ready to take it on.

I decided to take EDTC because I am not very tech savvy. I find that this course is a bit intimidating, but I am excited to learn some new tricks and get a bit more accustomed to using new programs. Through COVID and online learning I had to learn how to use Microsoft teams and SeeSaw to stay connected with students. This was a HUGE learning curve for me as they were both new programs to me, I had helped students post personal items on SeeSaw, but I had never worked on the backside of it before this time. I am continually blown away by the educational apps and programs that become available for classrooms. It is wonderful to have all these resources at the tip of our fingertips.
I am excited about blogging itself, but I am/was very imitated by the process of setting up the blog itself. It took me a few tries and some frustration to get things looking the way I wanted them to and to ensure that I had everything set up, but I kept going and I am happy with the way that it has turned out so far. I look forward to checking out your guys’ blogs and maybe even learn a few things from you as well.
Hi Angela, I really enjoyed getting to know you through your introduction post! It is always nice to hear that there are others in the Education program. I just finished my degree in the elementary ed program and I am completing my inclusive ed cert now. It sounds like you have some great experience. In different areas, I think the transliterator program would be very intriguing and a great asset to have in the classroom. I can see through your post you have an intense passion for children and I know your future students are going to very lucky to have you as their teacher. Take care, hope you have a great week!