Wired Living: A Day in the Life with Tech in Northern Ontario

A typical day in my life revolves around communication with my family, friends, and social connections, facilitated by technology. Living in a remote community in Northern Ontario Eabametoong First Nation, I rely on social media and messaging apps to stay connected. I use Whatsapp for messaging and calling my parents, children, and husband via Wifi-calling as local network doesn’t work well there.

Social media apps like Facebook , Instagram  , and Twitter   are part of my daily routine. For entertainment, I watch movies and series on Netflix , Prime Video , and Crave.

While teaching, I utilize a Promethean board connected through an app called Screen Share, which allows me to cast my computer screen onto it. The board is also touch-enabled, enhancing interactive learning. I use specific apps for English comprehension and assessment, such as Elevate , which helps assess children’s reading and comprehension skills, as well as basic language skills. For math, I use Prodigy and other specific worksheets. These programs are administrator-specific, enabling me to check and assess data to determine progress and assign necessary corrections.

As a student, I attend meetings via Zoom  and use various apps like Canva for creating templates and other academic needs. I also use PowerPoint, Word and Excel for other purposes. There is a lot of learning that happens through searching reading, and analyzing articles on Google.  I may sometimes use an AI assistant to read the articles to me and have recently discovered a voice typing app that if spoken slowly and with correct pronunciation, can type out what one is trying to speak.

Therefore, technology for me is a continuous and engaging experience that is used in almost all aspects of my life.

4 thoughts on “Wired Living: A Day in the Life with Tech in Northern Ontario

  1. Thanks, Aradhana, for sharing a sneak peek into your day. I feel that wherever we are, technology connects us in a very positive way and brings so many opportunities. I loved reading your blog and your routine where technology surrounds you.
    Thanks for Sharing.

  2. Hi Aradhana,
    Your detailed description highlights how integral technology is in maintaining communication, enhancing teaching, and supporting your learning in a remote community. The use of various apps and platforms demonstrates your adaptability and proficiency in leveraging digital tools for both personal and professional purposes. It’s clear that technology plays a crucial role in your daily life, facilitating connections, educational activities, and personal entertainment efficiently.

    • Thanks Taranpreet for your comment. Yes, technology is definitely part of my experience and it does help me. It was enjoyable engaging in this experience..

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