Debate #1- Does technology enhance learning?

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It may be that I am biased because I was one of the debaters on the agree side for this debate but I still think that technology does enhance learning. This is because when you have time as a teacher with technology in your classroom, then you have a little more time to devote to your students. Technology therefore helps teachers to better their teaching pedagogy and enhance the quality of the instruction they give. And enhanced instruction does improve learning.

We had three articles and one video to support our side. The first one was from Furio, which specified the difference between a Mobile and Traditional classroom and how a difference in achievement and motivation was noticed in a Mobile Classroom. 

As discussed during the debate, quoting the article from Harris et al; 1:1 technology has proven that subjects like math which are very important for gaining critical thinking skills do get enhanced when you are using technology. The video, from Kris Alexander, also validates the fact. According to Kris, there are three types of learners. The first one is auditory, the second is visual and the third is kinesthetic. In a traditional classroom, there is possibly more auditory exposure, a little bit of visual exposure, very rare kinesthetic exposure for learners. Because of this reason, they do not learn as well as they could when they are using all kinds of learning practices.

The disagree side quoted a couple of research papers. There was some evidence quoted by them with regards to a study conducted on university students that debates the achievement levels and the distraction of technology in the classroom. There is some evidence about the fact that technology could be a distraction. Their argument about the fact that when you write notes while a lecture is taking place you are synthesizing the information and putting it on the paper. However the same is applied for when you are using an IPad for writing the information that you have gained in a lecture. The use of technology for assessment, when you are giving a quiz, can be done both on paper as well as on a device. But with technology, you get the feedback right then and there and you can see where you have committed a mistake, improve it, and even retake the quiz. This is not true when you have to wait for the feedback and then you come across learning that you have made a mistake in some particular topic and then, you have even lost the chance of changing it or improving on it.

Quoting Cuban, L., the disagreeing side emphasized the need to utilize technology in an efficient way so as to increase its effectiveness. Another paper also emphasized technology to cause muscular and health problems. I agree to both these statements and feel that technology needs to be moderated for its appropriate use. 

In conclusion, I am a believer that technology does enhance the teaching process and in turn the learning process.

8 thoughts on “Debate #1- Does technology enhance learning?

  1. Thank you for this engaging post, Aradhana! Your perspective on how technology can enhance learning, especially through the lens of different learning styles, is compelling. The points you made about technology providing immediate feedback and supporting diverse instructional methods are particularly resonant. While acknowledging the potential distractions, your balanced view on the need for effective and moderated use of technology is crucial. Your reflections on this debate provide valuable insights for educators navigating the integration of technology in the classroom. Keep sharing your thoughtful perspectives!

    • Thanks so much for this comment. It gives confidence knowing that there were some balanced insights when I was debating, because can never know for certain if you did well.

  2. Thank you for this insightful post, Ashlyn! Your balanced view on the impact of social media on childhood is refreshing. The emphasis on the potential benefits of social media, such as support systems and a sense of belonging, highlights the need for a nuanced approach. I appreciate your call for responsible use and adult guidance rather than outright banning. This perspective is crucial as we navigate the digital age. Keep sharing your thoughtful reflections!

  3. I’d say you are still biased! Lol…you didn’t even mention the distraction that comes with digital access. Nice class discussion.

  4. Thanks for such a great first debate and a well summarized blog post! Your group did wonderful. Technology has so many options in the education system to be useful, however, I agree that sometimes it is not being used in the best way. There are times that I even just turn to technology if I am not confident in my own knowledge which can not always be the answer. It is important that teachers are confident in the curriculum they are teaching and use technology to enhance those learning outcomes!

    • Thanks Sydney for your comments. Yes, I very much enjoyed creating the video, debating the topic and then this blog post. I know teacher training is important but technology in general is even more important. And there are so many options to look into when it comes to technology.

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