Summary of learning

Oh! This course has been so simple and easy and I thank Katia for this wonderful method that she employed in getting us ready for it!!

I was quite apprehensive when I began because it was a 3-week course and I was supposed to travel to India and my dad was supposed to have a knee replacement surgery sometime in between. But it worked perfectly.

There were many insights that I gleaned from the course I have come to appreciate the learning that we all engaged in and have been inspired to do better, both in the classroom and in my home.

For all those who have not completed their courses, hope to meet up in the coming months, and for all those who are done, Congratulations!!


6 thoughts on “Summary of learning

  1. Self-development is the way forward…we can’t wait for the Boards or the organisational bureaucracy…you have chosen the right path! Have a great break!

  2. Hello Aradhana, great effort and your learning summary is informative and looks professional. You have shared your understandings of educational technology in your video. It’s true we are helpless without technology as its wrapped our life. But hope we can find a balanced way to use it like you mentioned. I wish your father good health. Have a lovely summer vacation.

    • Thank you for your response. It’s been a lovely course and I have enjoyed myself. My father is slightly better. Hope to see him recover soon.

  3. Your summary of learning showcases a deep engagement with the course content and a clear reflection on your educational journey. The main takeaway for me is the value of integrating technology thoughtfully into teaching practices to enhance learning outcomes while addressing challenges like the digital divide.

    As you reflect on your learning experiences, what strategies do you plan to implement to ensure that technology integration in your future classrooms remains inclusive and equitable for all students?

  4. Wow, great post! It seems very professional. You have mentioned Sugata Mitra’s work on access to computers, which I found particularly interesting. I too have seen the impact of his experiments, such as the “Hole in the Wall” project, and it’s fascinating how access to technology can transform education. Your inclusion of this reference really strengthens your argument. Keep up the excellent work!

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