Better Together…. maybe even incredible!

Better Together…. maybe even incredible!

Well, did those 3 and half weeks ever fly by! This is my final post for EC&I 830 for my summary of learning. I had a fantastic experience this summer engaging and learning with everyone involved!

I have already learned so much and am inspired by how everyone has debated and researched ways to recognize, address, and plan for future technology in education! The number of resources I have tabbed, saved, or set aside to investigate further or experiment with is INCREDIBLE!If you have the time for a quick view, here is my summary of learning! Take care y’all!

9 thoughts on “Better Together…. maybe even incredible!

  1. Great summary! I haven’t seen the Incredibles in years!! I know what I am doing this weekend. Hopefully, I’ll be able to enjoy it without making connections to Ed Tech.

  2. Your summary of learning was brilliant and tied into our 5 debates effortlessly. It was a pleasure reading your blog posts each week and listening to your perspectives during the debates. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise with all of us this semester. Congrats on completing another course and good luck in your future endeavors. P.S. I will also be re-watching the Incredibles some time soon as your summary of learning reminded me how great the movie is!

  3. What a fantastic idea and super summary!! Enjoyed this course with you. “Incredible”s…

  4. This was so entertaining, and well done, Ashlyn! It has been great taking another class with you this semester. I hope the rest of your summer is nice and relaxing!

  5. Hi Ashlyn,
    I loved your video and it was quite entertaining. Great work relating all those characters with the current content. Your learning summary composed of deep understandings of contemporary issues of educational technology. You also covered all the debate topics and your prior stand and the reason why you shifted your opinion after. I often felt the same. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and hope to see you next time. Have a lovely summer vacation.

  6. Your final summary post effectively ties together the themes and insights from the course. My main takeaway is the power of collaboration and the innovative ideas we can generate when we work together. Your creative approach made the learning experience enjoyable and memorable.

  7. Hello Ashyln, Great Video!
    I really Like those cartoon characters that you used in your video. Great Work and thanks for sharing that link CapCut. I really learnt alot from your Blogs.
    Very Informative!!

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