• ECS 203

    Critical Pedagogy

    Read over the criteria for Assignment 1. Take a look at the possible scholars and/or concepts/topics.  Then, choose either a scholar or a topic/concept and begin to explore them/it. You might find a quote or an article that piques your interest. In your blog post, practice creating a short summary of what you have found. Then, finish up your blog post by outlining some next steps and possible directions for your first assignment. For reference: You should spend about two paragraphs summarizing what you’ve discovered, and one short paragraph outlining your next steps. Before I began my research, I studied the topic list and narrowed the list down to possible…

  • ECS 203

    The Tyler Rationale

    Curriculum development from a traditionalist perspective is widely used across schools in Canada and other countries. Think about: (a) The ways in which you may have experienced the Tyler rationale in your own schooling; (b) What are the major limitations of the Tyler rationale/what does it make impossible; and (c) What are some potential benefits/what is made possible. Be sure to refer to the assigned article in your post; you may also include information from lecture if you wish. The Tyler rationale follows four basic principles: what educational purposes should the school seek to attain?  What educational experiences can be provided that are likely to attain these purposes?  How can…

  • ECS 203


    How does Kumashiro define ‘commonsense?’ Why is it so important to pay attention to the ‘commonsense’? What commonsense understandings of curriculum and pedagogy do you bring with you into this course? Kumashiro defines ‘commonsense’ as the behaviours, attitudes, traditions, customs, experiences, perspectives, etc., that have become normalized in a specific society over time.  To put it simply, ‘commonsense’ is the action of doing something the same way because that is the way it has always been done in the past, and this is where the problem lies.  When I think of Canada as a whole, I think of a diverse nation that is home to people of many different backgrounds…