Introducing Myself
Hey! My name is Brandon Rumford and I am a second year student here at the U of R. I am currently in the secondary education program with a major in math and a minor in Phys. Ed. Some things to know about me is that I was actually born in London ON, moving to the small town of Rouleau SK in grade four. I have always been interested in sports playing sports in high school like volleyball, track and field, and curling. As well I love to travel, having been on many family trips to the United States and having had the opportunity to travel to Europe twice. After graduating from Rouleau School in 2018, I took a year off of high school and worked in construction for KBJ Contracting before deciding to enroll in the faculty of Education.

When going to Rouleau School, I had some experiences with educational technology. For starters I took some online classes and did some of my learning that way. Another obvious option is YouTube, which I would use if I wanted to learn something new. We also had a smart board in one of our classrooms, which allowed us to interact with our learning in ways we would not be able to before. As well we used Kahoot, a website that allows you to make a quiz for student to take all at once as a form of competition. My classmates and myself loved reviewing for tests using kahoots the teachers made. I have used educational technology more since starting university. During my field placement, my supervising teacher taught the grade 1 students phonics buy finding songs online for students to sing along too. YouTube is a great platform for learning as it’s free and there are so many videos for any subject you need.
As well as these other forms of educational technology, I have done some blogging for my previous ECS 100 class. Blogging is a great use of educational technology, allowing people to share views, ideas, and other things to further the field of education. Although I am personally not a big fan of blogging, I know the reasoning and potential behind it, and I am open to do my best to get into it!
skinny lil boy looking like a monkey