Learning Feedly
This week we were tasked with using Feedly in order to find new blogs to read and learn from, and it is so easy to do! There are so many options for anyone looking to read blogs, no matter your interests. For me I decided to look for educational technology blogs, for obvious reasons and I was shocked to see so many come up. Not only are there so many different blogs, but after adding one to a feed of yours, more come up based off of the one you just added. This made it super easy to add many different blogs to different feeds I had.

Finding other sources was simpler than I thought as well. Whether it was using feedly to find an article and going from there, or browsing everyone’s articles posted on twitter. There were many ways to come across new articles and ideas to expand the way you view educational technology and many other topics.
I have really enjoyed Feedly to find resources as well!