Twittering Away
Being new to Twitter, the Saskedchat was a very cool experience to be a part of. At the beginning of this class I was not a huge fan of twitter, I did not really see the point. I wasn’t interested in all the meaningless tweets about someone’s day or something else. So, I was pleasantly surprised to see more utility it twitter than I originally thought there was. Being able to get a group of people together to share their thoughts on different topics is such a great way to learn. As a becoming teacher, it is great to see different views on subjects to create your own unique way of teaching. As well it is a fantastic way to grow your PLN, being able to interact with others that share similar views or opinions.

As a teacher, I feel you’d have to be creative in ways to incorporate twitter into the classroom. Maybe it could be using it similar to Saskedchat. Using it as a way to have a discussion with students online. I found it easier to talk through Saskedchat than a zoom call or something like that. It is always easier to type with everyone else than speak on zoom with everyone watching. So I feel students would be much more willing to discuss in a Saskedchat sort of environment. Another way it could be used would be to share resources for students. Whether it be readings, websites, or other resources. Twitter makes it easy to share these with students, making it easier for them as well as the teacher. Overall there are many ways to use Twitter in the classroom and although I’m new to twitter, and I am slowly warming up to using it, I can see the reason many love it.