Can You Teach Old Dogs New Tricks?

Can You Teach Old Dogs New Tricks?

Learning Project Post One – Can You Teach Old Dogs New Tricks?

My Plans:

When beginning to think about what I wanted to focus on for my Learning Project, I knew I wanted to choose something I will be doing anyways. This way I can use this project to stay motivated and keep on track with my intentions. So, I have decided to work on training my dogs in the form of teaching them some new tricks. I chose this project because spending time with my dogs is one of my favourite things to do and I don’t always make enough time to work on new skills with them. The spring semester can be so busy, and motivating myself to do something I enjoy will help with my stress levels throughout the semester!

I have chosen to focus on all three of my dogs for this project since I would feel very guilty directing my attention to only one. So, my goal this semester is to teach each dog one to two new tricks. Every week I will work on a different progression until I reach the final skill. Each of my dogs are different ages and have different levels of training, so my goals will be different for each of them. I will outline my intentions with them in the “My Starting Point” section of this post.

My Starting Point:

My first dog, and the inspiration for the title of this post is Chex. She is eleven years old. Currently she knows how to sit and lay down (though sometimes she’s a bit stubborn when we ask her to do this things). This semester I would like to teacher her to touch my hand with her nose. This trick is kind of like a high five, just with her nose instead of paw.



My second dog is Scout. Scout is two years old and has the most experience with tricks of all three dogs. Scout can sit, shake a paw, touch his nose to my hand, spin, and lay down. He absolutely loves learning new tricks, so I have decided to choose one that is more advanced. I will be teaching Scout to weave between my legs.

It is possible that Scout will get this trick much quicker than I anticipate, so in this case we will move on to learning how to roll over.


My third dog is Apollo. Apollo is one years old and I rescued him about six months ago. Apollo is a very shy nervous dog, who has very little confidence. I would like his training this semester to help increase his confidence. Apollo does not do any tricks as we are still working on basic training with him. This semester I will work on recall with Apollo from increasing distances. I have a fenced in space I would like to use for this, increasing my distance each week.


Goals for This Week:

My goals for next week are:

  • Chex: Begin to get comfortable with my hand being on her nose.
  • Scout: Practice moving between my legs when they are both planted on the ground.
  • Apollo: Work on recall from 6 feet away.

Where I will Gather Resources:

  • I plan to use Youtube and TikTok for a lot of my resources. I am a visual learner so, I enjoy watching videos. As I post my progress each week I will be including links to any videos I used that week.
  • For more details on keeping my dogs engaged and focused on the training I will be referring to the Dog Blog posted by Jennifer Berg with Oberhund Dog Training. Jennifer is local to Regina and has spent some time working with Scout. Her training methods align really well with my values as a dog owner, and I would like to use this project as a way to continue learning about her practices.

6 thoughts on “Can You Teach Old Dogs New Tricks?

  1. Hey Bridget, I love to see your commitment to training your dogs and incorporating it into your semester goal! Your plan to work on new tricks with each of your three dogs is a lot of work but great to see. I can relate to the challenges of teaching older dogs new tricks, as my own dog seems to have reached a plateau with her training. It is interesting to see how you’ve tailored your goals to suit the individual needs and abilities of each of your dogs. I’m excited to follow your progress and see how you navigate and teach Chex, Scout, and Apollo their new skills.

    1. Hi Avery, thank you for your comment. I agree that it is lots of work to focus on all three dogs, I appreciate your excitement to follow this task! Older dogs can definitely be a challenge so I’m looking forward to exploring it further, maybe some of my new learning will work for your dog as well!

  2. Hi Bridget!
    What excellent goals for your pups! I also had a dog named Chex! He passed away a few years ago but was with me for my first go-around in education. It is so true that as we get busier, we neglect spending time with our pets. I think your Chex, Scout, and Apollo will love the extra quality time your project brings to them. I can’t wait to see their progress!

    1. Hi Dayna,
      I love that your dog was named Chex, i’ve never heard of another dog with that name before! I’m sorry to hear about his passing. I look forward to sharing my progress with you. Thank you for your comment!

  3. Hi Bridget! I love your learning project idea!! Also your dogs are so cute! It is a lot of work and some dogs are very stubborn to train so that doesn’t help. I like how you created individual plans for your dogs to make sure you set them all up for success. When I was teaching my dog some tricks, I really enjoyed watching McCann Dog Training Chanel ( I found their instructions very easy to follow and it seemed to work for my pup. Hope it helps! I can’t wait to see your progress as a team!

    1. Hi Mariia! Thank you for your encouragement. I have used some sources from the McCann Dog Training website, and did not know they have a YouTube channel. I am so excited to check that out. Thank you so much for sharing!

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