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Author: Bridget Maloney

Summary of Learning :)

Summary of Learning :)

Final Thoughts So, this is the end. I have enjoyed this class so much. My mind has been opened to the idea of bringing technology into the classroom at a variety of ages and ability levels. I think I have been scared to integrate technology because I did not fully understand its uses, as I did not experience using it much in school. But, I am so happy I had the opportunity to learn more about it in this course,…

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Yes, You Can Teach Old Dogs New Tricks!

Yes, You Can Teach Old Dogs New Tricks!

This semester I wanted to approach the Learning Project with an idea that I knew I would keep up with beyond the seven weeks we had to work. I chose to teach all three of my dogs a new trick. I absolutely love spending time with my dogs and was so excited to embark on this journey with them. Today my dogs have not only learned some new things but have also shown great progress in their attentiveness to commands,…

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My Contributions To The Classroom Community

My Contributions To The Classroom Community

Over the course of the semester, being involved in the classroom community was very important to me. I chose to stay connected with my classmates through posting on the Discord community, replying to the posts of my classmates, as well as replying to the comments that had been left on my own posts. I was very fortunate to have a great group of classmates that I was not only interacting with their blogs, but they were with mine as well….

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Do I Have To Write My Own Lesson Plans?

Do I Have To Write My Own Lesson Plans?

Using AI As An Educator I believe that AI has so many benefits for teachers. It can be so easy to run out of lesson ideas or need to add supplementary work to add in to a pre-existing lesson. We do not always have the amount of time that we would like to have, so using AI tools to help in the process can be so helpful. When there is only so much time in the day, and especially when…

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Can I Be Found On the Internet?

Can I Be Found On the Internet?

My Online Presence Before entering into this course, I had never considered my online presence. Yes, in my first few years of schooling we have been encouraged to create our E-Portfolios in hopes of using them as evidence of our work in job interviews, but I had never fully understood the reasoning behind this. Our E-Portfolios, which has become my platform for blogging is not only to be used as a supplement to my resume, but in some cases it…

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Learning Project: My Final Week

Learning Project: My Final Week

New Learning Throughout the week, I have felt that my training has been going very well. The strategies that I have outlined in my very first post have worked incredibly well. So, I did not feel that I necessarily needed a new strategy to employ this week in my training. Instead, the research I did this week was more related to my future training rather than present. I have addressed distractions, making time, and keeping motivation in dog training, but…

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Coding in the Classroom

Coding in the Classroom

My Experience When choosing which of the two options we had for posts this week, I decided I wanted to try Hour of Code. I chose this website because it has a variety of different activities for different grade and ability levels. I thought it was really great that there was a variety of choices for all levels, and each coding game focused on creating a different outcome. I saw games that created a new game, games based off of…

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Teaching Digital Literacy to Primary Students

Teaching Digital Literacy to Primary Students

I have always wanted to teach the primary grades, from the beginning of my degree I have been saying my focus is placed in Kindergarten to Grade Two. This hope has been solidified by my Pre-Internship in a Grade One classroom. I hope this love will also continue for me in my Fall Internship where I have been placed in a Kindergarten classroom. Though I find the younger grades so exciting and know there is so much learning to begin…

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Keeping Motivation

Keeping Motivation

New Learning: As the semester is coming to an end my classes are getting busier, and I find myself having less time to spend training. However, I know that it is incredibly important to continue to make time. Ensuring that I make time for my dogs during busy times makes sure that their training stays consistent, and gives me a break from my busy schedule. I really enjoy spending quality time with them and I find our small training times…

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Teaching Digital Citizenship In and Out of the Classroom

Teaching Digital Citizenship In and Out of the Classroom

In my experience as a student, digital citizenship was a topic that was talked about vary rarely in my classrooms. Often the conversation would be started by an incident of cyber bullying or somebody sending pictures of someone to their friends. However, this did not happen often, and most of the time when it did, it was not caught by the teachers. So, this meant that conversations about what a good digital citizen is, maybe only happened once or twice…

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