What does it mean to be a professional? Am I a teacher 24 hours a day? 

There are many components to being a professional. Part of teacher professionalism is following the STF Code of Professional Ethics, Standards of Practice, and Code of Collective Interests. Maintaining a professional identity is a key component of being a professional. No, we are not teachers 24/7 in regards to the physical act of teaching. However, it is our title of “Teacher” that we carry with us 24/7. With this title comes several commitments to the profession. One commitment that stood out to me was, “To act at all times in a way that maintains the honor and dignity of the individual teacher and the teaching profession.” (STF Code of Professional Ethics) So as a teacher we need to recognize that even off the clock we have a professional image to uphold and a school and profession that we are representing. We want that image to be held to the highest standard of professionalism since it is the public that has trust in us.

What excites me as I begin my journey to becoming a teacher?

What I am excited most about is challenging my current inner knowledge with new perspectives.