My educational philosophy is one that believes in giving all students an equal and fair education. In my opinion one way we can advance our society is by educating all the young minds we possibly can so we have the best chance to make breakthroughs. I also believe that making a positive connection with students at a young age is crucial to them having a positive educational experience.

From my own experiences growing up as an immigrant, at times home life was tough. Our family had many things to consider as we tried to assimilate into Canadian society and often our home environment was the last thing to be considered. As a young boy I remember often feeling a need for attention as at home it was tough to raise concerns with so many other issues on the table. For me, in my future in teaching, this will be something that I will always consider. I want to strive to be the change I wanted to see as a young kid. To let that kid know who feels alone, or like no one cares, that there is someone who does. I believe all these things will build the foundation to my teaching career and hopefully help me develop into the best teacher I can be.