Before attending the University of Regina, I went to the applied welding program at what is now called Sask Polytechnic. After completing my course, I began my career as a welder.

For 3 years I worked as a production welder, gaining work and life experience. The entire time though I always had the thought in the back of my mind that this was not something I wanted to be doing for the rest of my life. With the ups and downs of the economy I found myself laid off 3 years into my career as a welder.
Shortly after, I enrolled in a program at Regina Trades and Skills that lined you up with a job opportunity once you completed the training.
From this I found myself working in the construction industry. For 1.5 years I also worked as a Cladder/ Erector of pre-engineered buildings, essentially building shops or warehouses from the steel frame all the way to the roof, insulation and entrances.
The construction world was even more demanding and taxing then welding one was. Often surrounded by people who to put it bluntly were miserable with their own lives. Once again I found myself at a crossroads, unhappy with my job but unable to make a change due to financial needs. In 2019, with the support of my family and my girlfriend, I finally decided to quit the trades for good. With some luck, I found part time work at the YMCA of Regina. My plan was to work part time at the Y and enroll in school for the fall of 2020! But as we all know 2020 became one of the craziest years of our lives. So my plan took another little detour, I worked full time for over a year at the Y and finally in 2021 I enrolled into the education program at the University of Regina. My Journey here has been a long one but like I always tell myself and others, anything worth doing is gong to be hard. I hope this enlightens those reading on my journey to get to where I am today!
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