"Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world" Nelson Mandela

Category: EDTC 300

Using Imovie for the first time – Learning Project

For this weeks post and prompt I explored using Imovie for my first time ever to make a trailer kind of video from braiding process as I continue on my journey to improve my skills. (video in the post below!)

So for my first time using Imovie I used it on my Ipad which is about 5 years old now so it may be the old version of Imovie. Anyways, for a first time user I have to say it was very easy and user friendly in my opinion. All the controls and functions of the app were easy to find, easy to use and easy to use with each other as well which goes a long way to making a good user experience. Having the ability to use my Ipad to record, edit and format my video into a trailer style clip is a great convenience and I think that is a bonus for those looking to use this app. In Imovie you can use any video or image saved throughout your Icloud or apple devices to create different movies or clips.

I  believe Imovie would be a good tool to use in classrooms where you are learning the video making process or trying to get your students to dip their toes in making their own videos because it is very user friendly. It could be used by students for many other subjects and projects once they are able to build their skills using the application. On top of that many young kids here in North America are already very familiar with the apple ecosystem and functions so for those people they might be able to pick it up that much quicker. While there are many awesome things about Imovie I think one drawback would be that it is exclusively an apple product. This means if you want to be able to use these in your classrooms with your students then you will need access to multiple Ipads or imac or macbooks which could be a significant hurdle for classrooms where resources are already thin. Unless you are in a classroom that already is using mostly apple products, which is unlikely, then mostly having PC’s means you are not able to use this software without an investment of resources.

—- Here is my video, had to upload it to youtube to be able to post it here 

I think that Imovie would be able help students in all facets of the SAMR model depending on the grades you are teaching and how complex the use is. For example in the substitution section, a student could create a video essay in replacement of doing an oral presentation for their report, this way the change that is happening is we are replacing the live presentation with a video format. In the Modification section, you could have students create a specific type of film on their report, like a horror or documentary film. They would be asked to use Imovies many editing features to create their final product, so they are changing how they are completing their project.

Using Imovie to document my braiding this week was a cool change of pace and watching the videos back also helped me see some of the places I was going wrong.  As we are a few weeks into our learning journeys, I am happy to notice some improvements in my braiding. Starting the process is now fairly easy for me but once I get to the middle I still tend to struggle with keeping the hair apart and keeping the strands pulled tight. Still confident though that by the end of this semester I will be miles ahead of where I started.


A new resource to learn from

So during this week I found a website called “aiirprofessional.com” which has been a great resource to help with my braiding practice. The site has sections with instructions on how to braid your own hair, other peoples hair and different styles of braids. Along with videos, the site has a step by step approach to making a simple braid (three-strand braid) which is the one I am focusing on for my project. It is simple and a site I would recommend to others if they were looking to learn the same skill.

First thing I had to get used to doing was combing the hair out enough so all the hair was straight and not tangled up. I can admit that I was not doing that before this week so I think that is why I was struggling a lot more than i should have! I think now the process should be a little easier and a little less messy.

I spent a couple hours on Wednesday and Thursday practicing and I included the best of the best in this post below. Sadly this was the best of the bunch… for now anyways. But comparing it to my first attempts this semester I think there is already progress being made, first because I was able to finish my last braid in one go without stopping. Also the braid is tighter where as my first few attempts it even the better ones were looser all throughout the braid.

A few important tips the site gave for learning to braid for beginners were

  1. Practice as much as you can
  2. Always prep the hair (slightly damp hair/combed)
  3. Create neat, even sections when making your three strands
  4. Find a rhythm: find a pattern that works for you when weaving the braid and repeat it
  5. Maintain a solid grip on each section, especially the center section

One thing I was thinking about was if eventually will it become like muscle memory if I become good enough at it? If I were to stop practicing once the semester ends would I quickly lose this new skill? Definitely learning about patience doing small, tedious tasks doing this assignment and working out my fingers as well, did not expect for my hands to get as sore as they have been!

For the coming weeks my next few goals is to be able to do multiple braids like this or better and to cut down on the time it will take me to do so.  I also hope to be able to find more time to practice this next week as things have really been getting busy with school and work life ramping up.  That is another thing that I find having to work on, my time management ability. I am also doing semester long assignments in two other classes that ask us to keep notes/take pictures building towards a final summary of your learning so it has been a task on itself trying to balance time for everything. But I also consider that it is only for a few months so it is not all that bad.



Technology and Me – Weekly blog post

Thinking about my daily habits using technology I think it is hard at times to accept how much time we all spend daily online or in front of a screen not doing a whole lot of productive stuff. For me the online platforms I use the most daily would have to be Snapchat, Email, Instagram, Reddit and Facebook. During school I would have to add in google docs/slides and URcourse to that list as well. For the most part I would have to admit most of my time is spent for leisure and social reasons, If I was giving it a percent I would say about 75 to 25 split in favor of leisure.

For productivity some of my favorite apps are the reminder app on my phone to always keep track of deadlines for school. I also think google docs is a really awesome tool to be able to use because you can have access to so much of your own resources from anywhere and it is so versatile. Now when comparing my phone to my laptop, my laptop is almost only used for “productivity” like school work, answering emails and work related stuff. Productivity is something that I hope to boost and improve in my life, in regards to technology, as I grown as a person and professionally. As a future teacher I have seen teachers in the field (co-ops from internship) and how productive a teacher can really be using the technology at their disposal. So my goal is to follow that example and learn how to be productive in all aspects of my teaching career.

Some of the things that really distract me tech wise on my phone would have to be scrolling through reddit and Instagram, sometimes just losing track of time, getting into rabbit hole after rabbit hole. In the last year or two I have tried to make an effort to spend less time scrolling endlessly on my phone and not picking it up as much. However this is easier said than done, what gets me is just the easiness of picking up your phone when you are bored. By picking up my device I can watch videos, listen to music, be social, play games, or read anything. For me this does not work well because I tend to get bored quickly and feel this need to fill my attention. I would like to make a serious effort to find alternatives as I finish up my degree like actually reading physical materials or going out and socializing but like I said this is easier said then done when we are all so busy with life. My other tech related distraction would have to be video games which is usually how I spend some of my downtime.

In this day and age it feels like a constant and endless battle trying to cut down on being immersed in technology and screen time. Trying to find a balance between fun and productivity can take some serious effort some days. Some days you just want to crawl into bed after a long day and scroll your phone which is okay but it is good to have alternatives you can turn too as well. Some alternatives for me are drawing and reading books or magazines

Getting off to a good start!

For this week’s braiding practice I wanted to start somewhere that would me work on the basic parts of braiding at a slow pace. I ended up choosing two Youtube videos to help me start off my journey. One was called, “BEGINNERS START HERE! How To Braid Hair For Complete Beginners” and the other, “4 basic braids for beginners, How to Braid Hair, Easy hairstyle.” Now the second video is one I think I will be referring back to towards the end of this assignment. This is because I hope that if I get proficient enough at a “standard” braid then I will try to learn 1 or 2 different styles of braids.

(My videos from this week)

From where I left off at my last attempt to learn braiding, I picked up with a “three-strand braid” which will be the one style I will work on to really grasp and get good at. I never even knew it had a specific name always assuming that it was just a generic braid so learned something new already! Now where I really find I have to work on is keeping the hair strands separate as they go in between each other. As I attempted to do it the first few times using my hair mannequin, it mostly ended up in a fuzzy mess the first few attempts.

I tried to reflect on what I really hope to get from taking up this new skill and I think a few things come to my head. First, braiding hair is something I have almost no experience or familiarity with so I enjoy it gets me out of comfort zones. Second, as someone who hopes to be a dad one day to a little girl, I want to be able to do these things with them. Lastly, I feel that learning a new skill and documenting the process along the way is a valuable way to show people that we are all good learners, but maybe you or your classmate do better learning a different way. Let people see these processes so that it becomes more and more normal to accept different learning styles in the classrooms. This year I am actually doing a similar assignment in two other classes where we are choosing something to do over the semester and documenting the process.

I am not totally sure how much time I am going to need to dedicate to this weekly to get as good as I WANT to be. However, I am fairly confident by December I will be much better than today. But then I also tell myself that the biggest thing is not to stress about mastering  braiding but to improve little by little, to see what works and what does not and to connect my learning experiences to the kind of teacher I want to be in the future.

As I keep going with the braiding week by week, I think I am going to have to get spray bottle with water to mist the hair as I practice more and more. Hopefully this helps me figure out how to stop the fuzzy messy braids from appearing!

A new road to travel!

Hi, my name is Carlos Martinez and I am currently in my 4th year in the middle years education program. I have spent a lot of time working towards becoming a teacher and being so close to the end is a great, yet uneasy, feeling. Most of the experience I have had with educational technology has come during my time her at the University of Regina. I have been exposed to different websites and programs that help teachers complete the many duties they have to do like interpreting outcomes, evaluating students, creating lesson plans and developing your professional learning.

I do enjoy blogging although it is not something I do very often, with most of my previous experience coming from previous education classes. However when the opportunity comes up to blog in classes it is always a nice break from the traditional communicating styles we have in our classrooms. It is nice to be able to look at peoples progress and ideas in a medium that lets them express themselves so naturally.

Below I have included a link to a video blog/presentation I had done a few years ago just so others can see an example from a previous education class. Excited to learn with everyone this semester.


Starting up a new journey

For my Learning Project this semester I have chosen to learn how to braid long hair, hoping that by the end I can make a braid quickly and neatly! I had come up with various options to pick up for this assignment but I narrowed it down to two options, learning how to play pool or learning how to braid long hair. I landed on braiding because I think it will be a skill I can use in my life having two young nieces and also a partner with really long hair. This is something that I actually attempted to do at the beginning of the summer but found myself having zero time and motivation to follow through with it. Another thing that pushed me towards choosing this is that I have minimal experience doing hair or working with hair so it is a pretty new endeavor for me that takes me out of my normal comfort zones.

This assignment is the perfect opportunity to take my time to learn how to braid while documenting all the ups and downs in the learning process. Right now I have a general outline of how I would like things to go and where I want to be by the end of the semester.

As I mentioned earlier I had attempted this before and back then I actually had managed to get a mannequin head with long hair from one of my hairdresser friends. Now I can actually put it to use and not let it get caked with dust ! I hope to spend the first few weeks of this journey working on doing a braid that is not a total frizzy mess, building towards being able to make a braid without too many pauses. At that point I would like to then start working on the time it takes me to do a braid because last time I tried it took forever, working on being quicker and quicker each week. The resources I will be using for this process will be mostly Youtube, websites and personal help from my partner.

By the end, if everything goes well, I will be making a braid in a neat and quick fashion and maybe even trying out different styles of braids. Looking forward to this assignment and also seeing everyone else’s progress and final results!


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