Below are my I believe statements, I have chosen a few that you can click on and it will take you to a video or article that I believe expands on that statement.

I believe in equity along with equality, that everyone is entitled to an equal and fair education.

I believe it is crucial for schools to have the resources to help youth that may require a different approach to learning.

I believe making a positive connection with students can have a big impact on their lives.

I believe in being an active, positive, influence and mentor.

I believe that education should be approached with an open mind, a willingness to try different ways because we all learn in different ways.

I believe we need to use multiple forms of assessment in the education system to give all students a fair chance. Some students do not perform well under the pressure of a written exam.

I believe creating an inclusive learning environment. (although the video in this link is directed to the school they are speaking on, the messages that they are trying to get across are ones that we have learned about throughout this first year)

I believe as teachers we must fight to teach all the knowledge available to students, not just the status quo that is presented to us by the education system.