Aesthetic Representation 
This collage represents who I am, where I am on my journey and where I am headed. To understand this collage I have to tell you a little bit about it:
- The background represents negativity and how I refuse to let that be the focal point of my journey any longer. These words, quotes, and photos represent negativity from the past
- The colourful photos that I’ve pasted over top represent who I am today and how I want to honour my journey in the future
- When I become a teacher, I want to lead with strength and courage and that’s only one reason I chose a bear paw, the other reason is because my mother’s maiden name is Musqua which means bear in Saulteaux, which is my culture.
- I’ve also attached photos of myself and my family as a representation of my “why” because this is who this journey is for. It is personal.
I plan to move forward in a way that promotes and honours my Indigenous roots. I want every child who will step foot into my classroom to feel comfortable and welcomed. This photo is a representation of what I plan to be as a teacher.