About Me


My name is Gillian Crocker and I am a teacher with Prairie South School Division in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. I have had the pleasure of working in a variety of roles in education including Educational Assistant, Student Support Teacher and grade 5 Teacher. I have spent the last 6 years teaching grade 5 and have absolutely loved the content, the kids and all the opportunity to grow and develop as a teacher each year! I have recently moved into a Vice-Principalship and am just beginning to get my bearings. However, I am loving the opportunity to be a part of the bigger picture and getting to spend time with students in every grade! I am very passionate about math, literacy, social justice and digital citizenship.

Now just because I am passionate about digital citizenship does not mean I am at all technologically savvy. In fact, while I feel proficient in many areas, when it comes to blogging, website management and twitter, I am struggling to get my head around how to use them efficiencity and find myself constantly looking for things. I am however a huge advocate for teaching children how to use social media and digital tools in a safe, kind and responsible manner. This you will be able to find out more about in my first post.

I am a mother of two girls and two pups, with a pretty awesome husband, who is blessed to lived in the same community as both sets of parents. We love to travel, soak up the sun and do anything we can outdoors. I am lover of spin, volleyball and dance. I have recently started to put more effort into becoming a golfer but this is a bit of a love-hate relationship.

I am currently taking my fourth class towards my Masters of Teaching, Learning and Leadership at the University of Regina where I also took my Elementary Education Degree and my Inclusive Education Certificate. I absolutely love to learn and enjoy the ongoing professional development, however, I really do not enjoy working, parenting and taking classes at the same time, and look forward to being done! For now – one class at a time and showing myself a little grace is what will keep me moving forward.

Twitter: @CrockerGillian3