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Hour of Code

Helloo, I tried the hour of code but it only took me about 20 minutes to finish a course. I had fun I guess? I tried a couple of other ones on both websites Hour of Code and Scratch but I dont know which one I like more because Hour of Code had a more variety of choices but it also led me to a different website to try the games and some of them I had to sign in with my Gmail.

But the one I did do was called “Pile of Sticks”

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I took screenshots of my progress while I was doing it.

I did this last week but I forgot to make a post.

Comment what games you’ve tried.



  1. Bernice Hauck


    I enjoyed my hour of code, but it also didn’t take me an hour to finish the project I was working on. I’m glad to see you made something out of it anyway.


  2. Alyssa Hildebrandt

    I wish it took me less than an hour to finish the coding game. I found it extremely hard but I think others pick up on it easier then some like myself. I am glad you enjoyed it!

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