Hello, Hola, Bonjour, Tanisi

Project Spanish week 2 update

Hello people these are the Youtube videos I’ve found on learning Spanish

I just listen to it on repeat a couple of times. Maybe I should be saying these out loud but I feel people will look at me weird when I try putting my Gibberish into Spanish.



  1. Curtis Meger

    Hey Dalin, I think that is a great video on learning Spanish. I know I would be lost if I were to begin learning Spanish and I think this class will provide a supportive and non-judgmental environment for you on your journey. Sharing your experiences, struggles, and progress can could make you feel more comfortable and encouraged to take risks on your journey. I am excited to follow along with you!

    • Dalin Cyr

      Thank you Curtis

  2. Ashley Kormos

    I think it is important for you to ‘warm up your “Spanish muscles”‘ by practicing what you’re hearing!
    Understanding Spanish is only half of learning it (unless that is your personal goal, in this case, you’re on the right track)! Being able to carry on a conversation takes two contributing members. I understand that it’s tricky and maybe a bit embarrassing, but it is important!
    What other people think of you shouldn’t make an impact on the effectiveness/efficiency of your learning! (I know that is easier said than done, but you’ve got this!) You control your learning, and if you’re too busy thinking about what others will think of you, you’ll spend less time learning.
    I grant you permission to take charge of your learning and discard what others think about you. If anyone looks at you weird or makes snide remarks, tell them that Austin gave you a permit to be weird.
    I believe in you,

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