Hello, Hola, Bonjour, Tanisi

Category: ETCH 300 (Page 2 of 2)

Gibberish to Spanish Part 2

Welcome back to my GIBBERISH to Spanish series this is week 2 of learning another language and honestly, I feel like it’s an easy language to learnĀ  and I am slowly learning new things about Spanish and how there is different dialects of Spanish.

At the video I posted earlier I only managed to make it 50 minutes before I replayed everything over again and again for 4 times to really get it engraved into my mind and a creepy thing happened to me on the fourth replay when the person spoke Spanish and I understood it before it said it in the English version!!!!! (but patience is a virtue: this is me thinking of Spanish as English. )

Which I feel is helping a little but I am on the next adventure in finding new materials to learn from. Ill upload a update in a little bit of the sources ill be using this week just let me do some research. WISH ME LUCK

My Intro

Hello people, My name is Dalin and I am currently in my second year of university, I’m taking this class as an elective and I plan on getting my BBA. This is my first time creating a blog and I feel excited at trying something new.

A little about myself-

  • I like to read
  • Draw
  • Paint
  • Native American Beading
  • Cultural activities
  • Basketball and football
  • Card games
  • 3-D animation
  • I’ve been cutting hair for 2 and a half years but my career choice is something in business but hair styling will be my backup
  • ADHD or not I am very active.
  • I am social.

Feel free to give me feedback and any ideas on how to get started with learning a new language on my blog page Project Spanish

Business partnership meeting. Picture businessmans handshake. Successful businessmen handshaking after good deal. Horizontal, blurred background


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