Hello Im back! this is my 3rd blog post in a row! Im rushing things sorry.
I learned alot during this class and its all thanks to Katia Hildebrandt and my fellow students! I learned so much from each and everyone of this class thank YOU.
Hello, Hola, Bonjour, Tanisi
Hello Im back! this is my 3rd blog post in a row! Im rushing things sorry.
I learned alot during this class and its all thanks to Katia Hildebrandt and my fellow students! I learned so much from each and everyone of this class thank YOU.
Hello people of my class! I enjoyed learning Spanish but I cant say I learned a new language because I only learned around 200 words but I had fun which counts for something right? anyway I was looking at some other examples of students before about finishing up their learning project and I must say WOW I couldn’t write and edited all that! So I meet them in the middle! and did a presentation on PowerPoint but I couldnt add any more recorded voices over new slides? it would just crash! I was trying to add my beginning in Spanish. Hola, Buenos dias, Yo me llamo Dalin, Mucho gusto. Hello good morning my name is Dalin, nice to meet you. I was kinda lazy in adding everything because I have finals so close together!!!
Also this is my first time posting something on Youtube so that was hard and fun!
Im back with another ATTACK on Digital Literacy, so far I got some good marks on the Spot The Troll quiz like more than half because we already did most of them but its the thought that counts right? I also tried the Can You Spot The Fake News Headlines and I got 2 correct right off the hop and I got to stir crazy that I answered the other 4 wrong… 2 out of 6 good ENOUGH. Then for my ego, I went back and redid it and got 100% *Remember its the thought that counts.
Wowzers I was playing Break the Fake and I was amazed by this one!
Photos taken from the Website https://mediasmarts.ca/quiz/2/take/4/feedback question
The photo looked so fake but I guess its real! What a crazy world we live in.
Okay this one was misleading I thought the pigeons were the pins or something I said FAKE but its real.
Taken from https://mediasmarts.ca/quiz/2/take/6/feedback Break the Fake question 6
Gosh darn it.. I was even doing research
screenshots taken from https://mediasmarts.ca/quiz/2/take/7/feedback break the fake and google search
Well I got 4 out of 8 on this one 50% Ill take it!! Im a glass half full kinda guy.
The 3 quizzes I played Spot The Troll, Fake News, and Break the Fake were really fun games to do by myself and it was actually fun to learn how im about 50% willing to accept things at face value.
When things are fun learning becomes easier and by doing these quizzes made me realize if I had fun doing this other students may also and in NCTE definition of it, is how effective digital literacy is, by doing quizzes like these that only take 5 or so minutes of your day, it can really stick to those young people who have an attention span of a adhd dog. SQUIRREL!!! boom done.
I feel that when we did this durning our zoom class was more fun than doing it alone because we got to interact with each other and have different opinions, this should be in more classes with teenagers because they love gossip and debating so they would learn better.
Just joking I know English too! but my Spanish has been getting better. I am not fluent in Espanol yet but I did complete 1,2,3, and halfway through unit 4 soo… About 3 and a half out of 205 units on Duolingo. I’m sooo close (joke) that I can almost taste it.
Well well well. We are almost done the semester! and I learned some SPANISH crazy, how schools can teach you things. Like who would’ve known?
Duolingo is my friend and will continue to be after this semester, I did not do as much Spanish as I wanted to but I did learn a lot and its all thanks to DUOLINGO and its podcast feature which is something I didn’t know existed till I opened my eyes, the podcast is good but you have to follow along with the transcripts to understand the Spanish part. Round of applause for these magnificent people!!
Today I went hard! I also screenshotted my progress and quick SHOUTOUT to my only Duolingo friend Zach much love and good luck! Sheesh I should’ve done more gosh darn but its okay Ill keep going at it and maybe one day Ill fully understand Espanol only if I keep practicing!
I screenshotted how to get to the podcasts and also todays progress ! I know I can do more but why didnt I!?
Heres my streaks for this semester! I was doing so good in October and fell off this month.
I forgot is this the last blog ? probably not since Im going to make another blog with everything I used to learn spanish. But for today I just want to say that this experience has been amazing, I thought there was never going to be a class where I dont feel stress. Ill upload the notes I took while going through Duolingo in my next blog.
Helloo, I tried the hour of code but it only took me about 20 minutes to finish a course. I had fun I guess? I tried a couple of other ones on both websites Hour of Code and Scratch but I dont know which one I like more because Hour of Code had a more variety of choices but it also led me to a different website to try the games and some of them I had to sign in with my Gmail.
But the one I did do was called “Pile of Sticks”
I took screenshots of my progress while I was doing it.
I did this last week but I forgot to make a post.
Comment what games you’ve tried.
I had a lot of ideas for some projects I would’ve liked to learn but I am kind of a Jack of all trades (Lies) I wanted to try to learn something new. I like to pick up random things when I get bored and I am usually bored most of the time.
I wanted to braid hair because at some point I had long hair and wanted to do something cool like corn rows but it was hard doing it on myself. It took me a lot of tries to teach myself how to do it ( I did not use any YouTube videos or anything) I just had some experience braiding my sister’s hair. It was hard learning it on myself but I found it was easier doing Dutch braids on myself than others. It was fun doing hairstyles on myself and others.
Then I wanted to start cutting hair and doing fades and everything. I had a friend teach me the basics and I watched YouTube videos and practiced on a lot of my friends over and over again. I got pretty good and have been doing it for 2 and a half years already and probably cut around 120 heads per year.
I tried “Waves” in my hair which takes a long time to do because it’s constant brushing with a bristle brush for the hair to stay matted and have a wave-like look but my hair is straight so it didn’t look as good as people with a curlier pattern.
Right now I am doing dreads on myself and i’ve been doing it for about 5-6 months now and when it gets long enough I want to start doing barrel braids, two strand twists, etc. I really became a hair freak at this point of time because I tried many hairstyles and learned so much about hair, thickness of a single hair, curl patterns, growth rates, and a ton of other things. So together I’ve been braiding and cutting hair for about 3-4 years now.
In that time I also started getting into Native american beading where started making lanyards first and that takes a long time 7-8 hours because its putting one bead on at a time called peyote stitch and than I started making medallions which take up to 8-10 hours depends on how big the medallion is and earrings that take up to 1-3 hours depends on the design. I’ve been doing it for about 3 years and I continue to do it in my free time. I also do the double stitch method for beading medallions which means 2 needles instead of the usual 1 needle.
Rubiks cubes were fun to do and I mastered the 3×3 2×2 and a triangle one, right now im working on a 4×4.
I have a bunch of random projects i like to start and kinda give up when it gets boring but Spanish has been fun.
P.S my “Add Media” wont let me put in images i dont know why? it was letting me before.
Links if you want to learn how to cut hair, bead, or solve a rubiks cube.
I usually watch Faded Culture on Youtube if I want to get some fade tips. Here is a beginners tutorial. On fading hair.
Two Wolf Studio on Youtube is a great teacher on walking people through the basics of making a medallion and other bead work.
Solving a rubiks cube was hard at first but I got used to it. J perm on youtube shows great tutorials and here is a beginners tutorial
I am also good at painting and drawing.
Wow I am getting far on Duolingo but honestly, I am finding it hard to roll the “R’s” and I’ve lost some much hearts trying to say El Aeropuerto!! but Duolingo is an amazing app that is very helpful ! I believe I can speak Spanish in a few months!
Wow, I am having fun with this new app called Duolingo, and its free to try! Not all the credit is mine because I was looking at other students’ blogs and happened to come upon Joshua Wagner who is learning German. Thank you, Joshua.
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