Diving into the world of technology for the first time, I felt terribly scared. I was so stressed out from this overwhelming world that I literally felt dizzy. I got through my first ed. tech class (EC&I 834) with my head barely above water, since up till last January, I was doing things in a way I was comfortable with. All of a sudden everything, I mean everything became brand new to me. I had a hard time following the classes because I had to google almost every term. But with the help of my Prof. Alec Couros and my colleagues’ support, I was able to get through it and I learnt an enormous amount. So, I let things rest till September, when my second class (EC&I 831) started. Today, I feel a lot more comfortable and I got to a point where I am enjoying what I’m doing. I absolutely love the idea of the learning project and I get to experience on my own skin, how interest and engagement can help you get over your own barriers.
Even though I started sharing my piano learning journey in the form of a podcast embedded in my blog, I felt awkward when I had to share it on Twitter. Putting myself out there makes me feel terribly vulnerable. I also grew up in a world where it was not cool to talk about your own self or the things you did. So, I literally had to force myself to post and share through blogging and Twitter. I was hesitant regarding the value of sharing for quite a long time. But the fact that I was learning something new every time I read my colleagues’ blogs and tweets, and attending George Couros‘ sessions as part of the RTConvention2019, help me see each and every day the benefits of sharing. Beside providing a rich medium with support in ALL areas, it also builds human connections giving the feeling that you have people around you whom you can count on. The biggest question is, as Dean Shareski puts it in Sharing – the moral imperative, do we take the time to share meaningful and valuable information to teach beyond, not only the students in the classroom?
Today, I feel very thankful for people sharing. George Couros showed us the unique way Sophie’s dad chose to capture her childhood. Emailing his daughter the most memorable events of her life, made me want to go back in time to be able to do something similar for my own children. Thanks to sharing, I know about this amazing idea and I guess it is not too late yet, having an eight and ten year old. I also feel that if I share this with other people, they might still have a better chance to surprise their children or grandchildren with such a precious gift. What an amazing way to capture memories and emotions.
Kaia and Room 10 is another great example for expanding interactions among people from different parts of the world with different cultural background. Starting out in Jakarta with a dad sharing pictures taken by his daughter arranged into an iMovie, led to sharing stories worldwide.
Dean Shareski shares another remarkable story closer to home. This is a wonderful event that took place in an elementary school in Alberta, where the principal, George Couros gave his students and staff the opportunity to share one thing they were passionate about during Identity Day. Being an English as an Additional Language teacher, I see the true value of this event, giving each and every member of the school the gift of feeling unique and important. During the RTConvention 2019, George Couros also demonstrated examples of very simple ways of sharing, such as giving ideas regarding teaching different concepts, as well as communicating with parents in a fun and easy way using Twitter to share the highlights of the day or week instead of writing long newsletters.

Looking at people share, I also feel it is a form of kindness. Providing resources, advice, tools, or just simple entertainment help people move towards a growth mindset.
Alan Levine’s Amazing stories of openness also prove the power of stories and sharing by providing valuable information and support. Scrolling down the abundance of the amazing stories, I was very excited to come across my Prof. Alec Couros’ work, The Networked Teacher Diagram.

Experiencing the amazing value of sharing, I do feel that it is our ethical responsibility to take part and embrace the culture of sharing, since “the benefits of a shared idea can be golden to someone” (Dean Shareski, 2010).

If you see power in sharing, could you describe it in one word what SHARING brings to your life?
Thank you for reading my blog!
Great post Melinda. It’s been cool to follow and be a part of your edtech / learning with tech journey. I enjoyed the Teacher Institute as well and the posting of what I was learning and reading other’s posts really enhanced the presentation for me. I try to craft a quick but meaning post about something that caught my attention … this makes me reflect on what I’m hearing, but then seeing posts that validate, offer a different opinion, or catch something I missed are very beneficial for me. I find myself more invested and active in presentations like this. I also think that it was interesting that George used Alec’s connected image in his presentation … does he have to ask for / pay to use that or even all the other you tube videos he shows … if he had to would he have a presentation … would it be as effective? Thanks
Thank you Dean for reading my post! I am truly thankful for all your support. I agree with you, sometimes it feels like we are bombarded with great information and sometimes we miss important things. Discussing and reflecting can help better understand and take the information to the next level.
I think Alec and George are in a lucky situation being able to share and support each other. The image I remember vividly from George’s presentation is the 8 characteristics of the innovator’s mindset, which has the networked teacher as one of its pillars.
Thank you,
Hi Melinda, thanks so much for an engaging post this week. I really enjoyed the examples that you shared (Sophie and Kaia) about the power of digital sharing and kindness. These examples connect well with Ze Frank’s idea that the whole point of being connected through digital networks is “to feel and be felt” and thanks to the Internet, this type of connection can now occur in virtual spaces.
I completely understand the hesitation you feel about sharing online. You expressed concerns about not getting the hang of Dr. Couros’ courses as quickly as you’d like but with this being my fourth class, I’d say you are making a lot of progress! I agree that it can sometimes feel awkward to share but that we have a social and moral responsibility of participation in the digital and global community. Plus, you never know who may benefit from something you’ve shared.
Thanks so much Brook for your comment! I love the fact that you mentioned Ze Frank’s idea. People experimenting and sharing does take a lot of courage and it brings the feeling of being vulnerable but you really don’t know whom and how you are going to touch. After all we are all trying to connect “to feel and be felt”. 🙂
“Hey, you’re ok
you’ll be fine
Just breath”… 🙂
Hey Melinda, thank you for sharing the “Dear Sophie” video… it made me tear up, what a great idea! I guess it goes to show some of the power of sharing, which I am beginning to realize can actually make a difference, even if it’s just one person! It was Dean Shareski’s video that helped me realize it, when he interview Dan Meyers and he said “well now my 18 hours was used by over 6,000 people, so it was basically no time at all” or something like that. That’s the line that is really changing my perspective on the time commitment aspect of sharing. Now I just have to work on the “yes but, is this even worth sharing?” voice in my head.
Hi Matteo,
Thanks so much for your comment. Is it even worth sharing? Well, look the “Dear Sophie” video was something that you found valuable, so it tells me it was definitely worth sharing. Last week one of my students asked me if I am a YouTuber, since he saw me on Youtube. I told him, I did post my EC&I 834 summary of learning on Youtube, so he might have seen me. Next day he comes and tells me “I subscribed to your channel”. This student of mine somehow, I have no idea how, found me on Youtube and watched my summary of learning. You really never know who and how you are going to touch through your sharing. So if I could give you some advice, I’d tell you, for now try to silence that little voice in your head. 🙂