Self-Story 1: Remembrance Day

Walking into the silent gymnasium with dimmed lights. The flickering of candles providing a warm tone among the darkness. Seeing all the different banners on display showing important people and dates in history. Seeing people among the crowd in uniform. Seeing a sea of red poppies both on display throughout the gymnasium and on everyone’s left side. By just walking through the doors the whole mood had changed, it went from just another day at school to mourning and reflection on Canada’s past. 

I had just walked into a Remembrance Day ceremony at my high school. A trumpet began to play and everyone rose from their seats. This specific ceremony was centered around the women in Canadian history who had made an impact in the country.  

A handful of stories were read aloud by different female staff members. These stories described the significant impact these women have had on the country of Canada. Nurses, doctors, soldiers, just to name a few, were some of the jobs these significant women held while servicing the country. Many stories described the hardships these women faced in a field that was mostly made up of men, as well as the day-to-day struggles of their service. The thought of how their services did not seem as important as their male counterparts began turning in my head.  

Following the stories, videos were played showing these different women and their jobs. Within the video, different video clips showed these women in action. Seeing what these women went through and the time and effort they put into their jobs was eye-opening. Many sacrificed so much to do what they loved and did not let anything hold them back from their dreams. The ceremony then ended with a moment of silence and time to reflect on what the ceremony was about. 

One thought on “Self-Story 1: Remembrance Day”

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed the description of the gymnasium that you put. It really highlights the somber mood and the darkness that is war. This made me think of all of the Remembrance Day assemblies I went to in elementary school because it had the same dimmed lights and everyone was fairly quiet. I’m curious as to how this ceremony made you feel personally and not just the ambience of the room itself.

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